P. 4

Dear Members,


Dr. Harley Seyedin It saddens me to report the passing relationship, cross-Strait issues, channels
of long time AmCham South China of communication, and other matters.
Winner of the 2017 Oslo member and dear friend Dr. David
Business for Peace Award Buxbaum. David was a prominent US We have been quite busy on the local
(together with Elon Musk, lawyer who arrived in China 50 years front preparing for the inaugural UN
Durren Shahnaz and Murad ago as the first American to receive Business Arena event in Oslo. A high-
AI-Katib) an invitation to the 1972 Spring level stakeholders engagement meeting
Awarded by an Award Canton Fair, after then President Nixon hosted by the UN Global Compact,
Committee of Nobel Laureates earthshaking visit to China in February Business of Peace Foundation and UNDP
in Peace and Economics and March 1972. He then stayed for brought together 50 key partners for a
Among few individuals on 232 the past 50 years. A true legend in his cross-section dialogue on June 5. The
years to be awarded the Thomas field, David was the first and perhaps major thrust will be in 2024. I will be
Jefferson initiated Peace the only foreigner to be active in the filling you in more on this as it continues
through Commerce Medal by courts in China helping American and to develop.
the US Government multinational companies successfully
Visiting Professor, Jinan enter the Chinese market shortly after Our 2023 AmCham South China
University the opening up. David also argued delegation to Guizhou in May was
President, Allelon Energy a case successfully before the US very successful. It is important to note
Partners Supreme Court against a former US that 75% of our member companies
President, American Chamber of Secretary of Agriculture, Butz et al. are now engaged in providing goods
Commerce in South China v. Economou et al.438US478(1978). or services to the Chinese market.
We were fortunate to distribute his As China strives for a high-quality
contributions to the intellectual and open economy empowered
property section of AmCham South by innovation and intelligence, the
China’s White Paper, a publication he country is also eagerly looking for new
later wrote was “in great demand and business opportunities that can meet
highly influential.” He will be greatly the market demands. That is why we
missed by all of us. took a delegation of many executives
to Guizhou for a three-day event.
In other news, Assistant Secretary Guizhou is a highly potential place that
of State for East Asian and Pacific can offer a plentitude of investment
Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink and National opportunities and possibilities. Hosting
Security Council Senior Director for and attending informative conferences
China and Taiwan Affairs Sarah Beran like this is important so that we can
held meetings with PRC officials in further learn and understand the gold
Beijing on June 5. The two sides had mine of opportunities the area presents
candid and productive discussions as and make better investment decisions.
part of ongoing efforts to maintain
open lines of communication and Have yourself a Happy Pride
build on recent high-level diplomacy Month and may your upcoming
between the two countries. The two Independence Day be filled with
sides exchanged views on the bilateral family, friends, and fireworks!

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