P. 19
ed Moreno: “You will need carbon capture, Maximizing Resources to Bolster Efficiency
you will need green fuels, and you will need gas.
So, it’s understanding that a solution that leads Other speakers—including Cary Davis, Vice
to affordability, reliability and sustainability is an President and General Counsel for the American
all-of-the-above solution.” Association of Port Authorities, Tom Smith,
Executive Director of the American Society of Civil
The clean energy message was echoed by Engineers, and Anne Bradbury, President and CEO
Congressman Scott Peters (D-CA). “Permitting of American Exploration and Production Council—
in the United States is an issue across all clean- focused on how permitting reform will allow their
energy technologies. A new report found that industries to invest.
permitting timelines have doubled since the
1970s, and nearly half of all clean energy projects Davis explained that while unprecedented funding
are delayed in the permitting process, compared opportunities are available, involved parties get
to just 15% for fossil fuels.” “hamstrung” when it comes to putting the funding
to work. Smith also acknowledged this issue and
Senator Tom Carper (D-DE), Chairman of emphasized the need “to maximize efficiency
the Senate Environment and Public Works when implementing this investment” and “do it in
Committee, told the Chamber audience that a way that’s sustainable, resilient.”
his committee will hold a pair of hearings on
permitting reform, including an April 26th Above all, Smith noted that taxpayers should
hearing at which the Chamber’s Global Energy be paying attention to permitting reform
Institute President Marty Durbin will testify. efforts, especially because “when we waste
during that process, it costs everybody
A National Security Imperative money—including taxpayers.”

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), Chairman What’s Next?
of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Committee, noted how permitting delays Despite the challenges ahead, lawmakers on
threaten the important role the U.S. plays in both sides of the aisle agree that now is the time
providing energy to allies such as Europe in the to tackle permitting reform. As the Chamber’s
wake of Russian’s invasion of Ukraine. Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer
Neil Bradley said, “The real-world implications
“Energy security is national security. You cannot for our families and businesses…and the ability
become and maintain the status that we have as to seize on the opportunity of a rare moment of
far as the superpower of the world and not have bipartisan agreement really is the right recipe” to
reliable energy security. In order to get energy get much-need permitting reform done.
security, we have to be able to do things.”

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV)
Manchin further punctuated this
urgency by saying that “if we don’t
get our act together as quickly as
we can, it’s going to be a horrible
situation.” He added that “if we
can’t supply [allies], they’ll go
somewhere else, and that’s what
we don’t want. The thing that
keeps us the superpower of the
world is having our allies with us,
and you can’t be the superpower
of the world and not be able to
take care of your allies and keep
us all together.”

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