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2023 ELG HR Seminar
Together with Baker McKenzie Fenxun, the examples and provided practical tips for dealing
ELG HR Seminar was held on April 12 and with these complex issues. The seminar also had
13 at Guangzhou and Shenzhen. This seminar two breakout sessions after the coffee break. The
was an informative and insightful event for HR first session focused on Employee Misconduct
professionals looking to stay up-to-date with the Investigations and was led by Mr. Joseph Yue, Ms.
latest legal updates, labor issues, and corporate Ting Zhang, and Mr. Henry Chen. They shared
restructuring. And Baker McKenzie FenXun was best practices for conducting effective and fair
proud to bring its annual employment seminar to investigations into employee misconduct. The
the Greater Bay Area for the first time ever. second session covered Promoting a Harmonious
Work Environment, Anti-Bullying, Diversity
The seminar had a fantastic lineup of speakers who and was led by Ms. Zheng Lu. They discussed
shared their expertise on various topics. The opening the importance of promoting a respectful and
remarks were given by AmCham South China inclusive workplace culture and shared some
President Dr. Harley Seyedin at the Guangzhou strategies for achieving this goal.
event and AmCham South China Governor Mr. Joe
Chow (Zhou) at in the Shenzhen event. The audience was really into the event, asking
insightful questions and engaging in meaningful
The seminar also welcomed special guests, including discussions with our speakers. The atmosphere
Jonathan Isaacs, partner of Baker McKenzie Hong was buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm,
Kong. Mr. Isaacs presented the latest legal and as attendees shared their own experiences and
immigration updates, covering the developments perspectives on the topics discussed. It's clear that
and best practices in this area. He was accompanied this event has provided a valuable platform for HR
by Ms. Zora Mao, who shared practical and specific professionals to connect, learn, and grow together.
tips on immigration updates. The next session We hope that the knowledge and insights gained
was a case analysis on Non-competes and Equity from this seminar will be put into practice in
Incentive-related Disputes, led by Ms. Olivia Wu their respective workplaces, promoting better
and Ms. Weiling Zhong. They shared real-world employment practices and a more harmonious
examples and provided practical tips for dealing work environment.
with these complex issues. The next session was
a case analysis on Non-competes and Equity The event was a great success, and AmCham
Incentive-related Disputes led by Ms. Olivia Wu South China hopes to see attendees at their next
and Ms. Weiling Zhong. They shared real-world event soon.
2023 ELG HR Seminar
Together with Baker McKenzie Fenxun, the examples and provided practical tips for dealing
ELG HR Seminar was held on April 12 and with these complex issues. The seminar also had
13 at Guangzhou and Shenzhen. This seminar two breakout sessions after the coffee break. The
was an informative and insightful event for HR first session focused on Employee Misconduct
professionals looking to stay up-to-date with the Investigations and was led by Mr. Joseph Yue, Ms.
latest legal updates, labor issues, and corporate Ting Zhang, and Mr. Henry Chen. They shared
restructuring. And Baker McKenzie FenXun was best practices for conducting effective and fair
proud to bring its annual employment seminar to investigations into employee misconduct. The
the Greater Bay Area for the first time ever. second session covered Promoting a Harmonious
Work Environment, Anti-Bullying, Diversity
The seminar had a fantastic lineup of speakers who and was led by Ms. Zheng Lu. They discussed
shared their expertise on various topics. The opening the importance of promoting a respectful and
remarks were given by AmCham South China inclusive workplace culture and shared some
President Dr. Harley Seyedin at the Guangzhou strategies for achieving this goal.
event and AmCham South China Governor Mr. Joe
Chow (Zhou) at in the Shenzhen event. The audience was really into the event, asking
insightful questions and engaging in meaningful
The seminar also welcomed special guests, including discussions with our speakers. The atmosphere
Jonathan Isaacs, partner of Baker McKenzie Hong was buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm,
Kong. Mr. Isaacs presented the latest legal and as attendees shared their own experiences and
immigration updates, covering the developments perspectives on the topics discussed. It's clear that
and best practices in this area. He was accompanied this event has provided a valuable platform for HR
by Ms. Zora Mao, who shared practical and specific professionals to connect, learn, and grow together.
tips on immigration updates. The next session We hope that the knowledge and insights gained
was a case analysis on Non-competes and Equity from this seminar will be put into practice in
Incentive-related Disputes, led by Ms. Olivia Wu their respective workplaces, promoting better
and Ms. Weiling Zhong. They shared real-world employment practices and a more harmonious
examples and provided practical tips for dealing work environment.
with these complex issues. The next session was
a case analysis on Non-competes and Equity The event was a great success, and AmCham
Incentive-related Disputes led by Ms. Olivia Wu South China hopes to see attendees at their next
and Ms. Weiling Zhong. They shared real-world event soon.