P. 21
ham South China and Dongguan Harbor In addition to the regular tournament, the golf
Plaza Golf Club hosted an International Golf tournament has added a new birdie prize this
Tournament on Feb 16. Over 110 golfers attended time. As long as one person in the group made
the tournament, enjoying beautiful golfing a birdie, everyone in the group would receive a
weather, delicious TEXAS BBQ and Italian cuisine, bottle of top-quality whiskey provided by Oak and
and an awards luncheon afterward. Barley. More than 52 bottles of whiskey were given
to the teams that won the birdie award.
The tournament started right on schedule as the
clock struck 10:00 a.m. after a group photo and One of the funniest parts of the tournament was
welcome drinks. All golf players were divided the Hole-In-One. With an attractive prize of RMB
into 27 groups. After five hours of competition in 10,000, many players were eager to give it a shot,
technology, endurance and physical strength, the not to mention Mr. Mauro Nardone has won a hole-
champion of the competition was finally released. in-one with great skill in the previous tournament,
President Harley and Mr. Tim Shaver opened the many of the participants in this tournament were
ceremony by cutting a giant roast pig. The award eager to try. It was a pity that no players won
ceremony was hosted by Mr. Lawrence Russo from the Hole-In-One yet in this tournament. More
Renascence Capital. notably, Mr. Levi Wang, who is only 10 years old,
made one of the birdies in this tournament. He
The winner of Men's Nearest to the Pin was Mr. is the youngest player to make a birdie since the
Michael Nagel and the winner of Men's Straight opening of the South China American Chamber of
Drive was Mr. Cui Han Xiang. The winner of Ladies' Commerce Golf Tournament.
Nearest to the Pin was Ms.Pan Lin Lin while the
Women's Straight Drive went to Ms. Tan Qi Wen. Another highlight of the tournament was the lucky
draw. Thanks to the generous sponsors, attendees
The winners of the Second Runner Up Team were enjoyed 147,500 RMB Total Value of Tee Gifts,
Mr. Aaron Zhou, Mr. Zhong Chun Hua, Mr. Lu Cai Prizes and Lucky Draws!
Li and Mr. Xia Wei Hua. The winners of the First
Runner-Up Team went to Mr. Raymond He, Mr. The event was concluded with a burst of cheers
Zhou Qiang, Mr. Michael Nagel and Mr. Li Chun and the smell of BBQ. Let us look forward to other
Ming. And the Champions were Mr. Cai Chuang upcoming events.
Jian, Ms. Wang Ling, Mr. Chen Yong Hua and Mr.
Zhang Yong Zeng.

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