P. 19
Can Benefit from a Digital Trade Agreement. The report underscores the promise of digital trade as a driver of
dynamic growth and good jobs in the U.S. and abroad. The report includes details on a host of industry sectors
and state-by-state fact sheets.
However, rising digital protectionism abroad presents a serious threat, and scores of countries have imposed data
localization measures and other trade and regulatory barriers that put a brake on services trade.
A recent study by the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation found that “the number of data-localization
measures in force around the world has more than doubled in four years. In 2017, 35 countries had implemented
67 such barriers. Now, 62 countries have imposed 144 restrictions— and dozens more are under consideration.”
In the U.S. Chamber’s view, the best defense is a good offense: The United States should pursue a high-standard
digital trade agreement with a coalition of like-minded countries that share U.S. ambitions. Doing so could secure
new opportunities for American workers, small businesses, services industries, and others. (Read more, including
on the U.S. Chamber’s objectives for such an agreement.)
Nor would the benefits of a digital trade agreement be confined to the United States: A 2017 study by the U.S.
Chamber estimated that reducing market and regulatory barriers to digital trade could boost global GDP by an
impressive $1.72 trillion.
For U.S. services industries and many others, a digital trade agreement is a major opportunity to spur U.S.
economic growth and job creation. On services as in other areas, the United States needs to lead on trade — and
on new trade agreements.

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Innovation, Office, Commercial Services.
Contact: Miyakoshi Holdings, Inc., ( Mr. RUI SHU, rui.sShOUuT@H CmHIiNyAaBkUoSIsNhESi-ShJOoUldRNinALgs1.6
com, +81- 3-6450-0771; Miss. Liu Juling,, +86-755-8353-7952, +86-139-2742-5139
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