Page 7 - The South China Business Journal
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next few years, but the people who need to work flexibly, such as parents
shift to more flexible work with young children.
arrangements is already
Although the current THE POST-EPIDEMIC PERIOD
challenges that HR
departments are facing – With the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing, it is
such as demand for more becoming increasingly important for HR professionals
flexible work hours and to understand how to improve the employer
better work-life balance branding of the company to cater to the trends
– have been many years discussed above. Below we provide some strategies.
in the making, they were
considerably exacerbated by • BUILDING EMPLOYER BRANDING AND
This has a lot to do with Employer brand value is increasingly gaining
the psychological changes widespread attention and recognition and has
of workers in the post- become one of the best indicators of a workplace
pandemic era. First, the culture for job seekers. Establishing a strong
diversification of current employer brand will therefore help your company
social employment forms has impacted the stand out in the job seeker market and ultimately
traditional eight-hour working day. Under the same help you attract and retain better talent.
salary benchmark, personal free time has become
increasingly important for workers. Company culture is an indispensable part of
any company. It can create a positive workplace
Secondly, psychological adjustment during the environment, improve the staff’s cultural exposure
epidemic has intensified workers’ reflection upon and ethical standards, and allow internal employees
planning their lives. In the face of a global public to naturally form a cohesive and tightly knit team.
health emergency, people have become more Company culture is an indispensable spiritual force
cognizant of the shortness and fragility of life and for the development of enterprises – it can help
this has forced them to take stock of the things that enterprises play a positive role in the work lives of
matter the most to them and how to live a more their staff as well as assist in rationally allocating
fulfilling life. enterprise resources to improve competitiveness.
• DISTRIBUTED WORKFORCE BECOMING To effectively build a good company culture and a
positive employer brand image, we suggest adopting
MORE COMMON the “4P” strategies, namely: People, Product,
Position, and Promotion. These concepts can be
One of the most exciting changes to the hiring understood as follows:
process because of the pandemic is more and more
employers are adopting “telecommuting”. Through
telecommuting, a company’s workforce is distributed
across a country or region and do not work in
traditional offices. The distributed employees may
telecommute for long periods of time or may choose
to telecommute only temporarily.
Even before the outbreak of the COVID-19
pandemic, globalization trends and advances in
office technology were driving the steady growth of
telecommuting. The coronavirus outbreak has sped
up this trend, which has, in fact, benefited hiring.
Thanks to telecommuting, the talent pool has
greatly expanded irrespective of the location of
the enterprise. Recruiters will, however, need to
adopt new hiring practices and expand their search
far beyond the traditional geographic boundaries
they might once have adhered to. It also provides
job opportunities for people with disabilities and
mobility problems. The model could appeal to
shift to more flexible work with young children.
arrangements is already
Although the current THE POST-EPIDEMIC PERIOD
challenges that HR
departments are facing – With the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing, it is
such as demand for more becoming increasingly important for HR professionals
flexible work hours and to understand how to improve the employer
better work-life balance branding of the company to cater to the trends
– have been many years discussed above. Below we provide some strategies.
in the making, they were
considerably exacerbated by • BUILDING EMPLOYER BRANDING AND
This has a lot to do with Employer brand value is increasingly gaining
the psychological changes widespread attention and recognition and has
of workers in the post- become one of the best indicators of a workplace
pandemic era. First, the culture for job seekers. Establishing a strong
diversification of current employer brand will therefore help your company
social employment forms has impacted the stand out in the job seeker market and ultimately
traditional eight-hour working day. Under the same help you attract and retain better talent.
salary benchmark, personal free time has become
increasingly important for workers. Company culture is an indispensable part of
any company. It can create a positive workplace
Secondly, psychological adjustment during the environment, improve the staff’s cultural exposure
epidemic has intensified workers’ reflection upon and ethical standards, and allow internal employees
planning their lives. In the face of a global public to naturally form a cohesive and tightly knit team.
health emergency, people have become more Company culture is an indispensable spiritual force
cognizant of the shortness and fragility of life and for the development of enterprises – it can help
this has forced them to take stock of the things that enterprises play a positive role in the work lives of
matter the most to them and how to live a more their staff as well as assist in rationally allocating
fulfilling life. enterprise resources to improve competitiveness.
• DISTRIBUTED WORKFORCE BECOMING To effectively build a good company culture and a
positive employer brand image, we suggest adopting
MORE COMMON the “4P” strategies, namely: People, Product,
Position, and Promotion. These concepts can be
One of the most exciting changes to the hiring understood as follows:
process because of the pandemic is more and more
employers are adopting “telecommuting”. Through
telecommuting, a company’s workforce is distributed
across a country or region and do not work in
traditional offices. The distributed employees may
telecommute for long periods of time or may choose
to telecommute only temporarily.
Even before the outbreak of the COVID-19
pandemic, globalization trends and advances in
office technology were driving the steady growth of
telecommuting. The coronavirus outbreak has sped
up this trend, which has, in fact, benefited hiring.
Thanks to telecommuting, the talent pool has
greatly expanded irrespective of the location of
the enterprise. Recruiters will, however, need to
adopt new hiring practices and expand their search
far beyond the traditional geographic boundaries
they might once have adhered to. It also provides
job opportunities for people with disabilities and
mobility problems. The model could appeal to