Page 26 - The South China Business Journal
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Latest News
30 18 Online Course -- La CINA E Le
April May Nuove Tecnologie
Opening Reception in
Paulaner Brauhaus Foshan
The PAULANER BRÄUHAUS FOSHAN The online course "China and New Tecnologies", held
held its opening reception on April 30. from 27 April to 31 May 2022, was open to all students
The President of AmCham South China and Ph.D. students in Italy. This course provided university
was invited to the reception. Enthusiastic students in Italy with an overview of the new technologies
German music with “O'zapft is!” started applied to various sectors, taking a cue from the Chinese
the greatest tapping ceremony. Embraced experience. Dr. Harley Seyedin was invited to deliver a speech
by the aroma of fresh malt, every guest themed “Energizing China” on May 18. During the speech,
gave a hardy “Prost” for the beginning he introduced Italy and China’s Energy Intensity from 1990
of the beer carnival. The rhythm of the to 2020 and briefly mentioned that enormous opportunities
accordion and the passion of the dance exist to help China achieve its goal of a zero-carbon footprint.
ignited the ambiance, not to mention the When asked about how China will complete the process of
great food, beer, and lucky draw presents. renewable energy transition in another 10 or 20 years, Dr.
The exhilarating festive cruise certainly Harley Seyedin said: “China has a goal of becoming carbon
set the atmosphere on fire, taking neutral by 2050. While they have made great progress, this
everyone on a short trip to Oktoberfest. will be a difficult goal to achieve. But I do believe they are
committed and believe within 30 years they will be able to
The government of the Panyu District, achieve their goal.”
Guangzhou City invited AmCham
President Dr. Harley Seyedin to an 18 Investment Promotion Video
interview for an investment promotion May Shooting for Panyu District
documentary. The interview was
carried out by Xinhua News at the
AmCham office on May 18. During the
Interview, Dr. Harley Seyedin pointed
out: “Panyu offers a great business
environment, very good schools and
good quality of living, which attracted
many businessmen to invest, make
profits, raise their family in Panyu, and
live a very happy and comfortable life.”
Latest News
30 18 Online Course -- La CINA E Le
April May Nuove Tecnologie
Opening Reception in
Paulaner Brauhaus Foshan
The PAULANER BRÄUHAUS FOSHAN The online course "China and New Tecnologies", held
held its opening reception on April 30. from 27 April to 31 May 2022, was open to all students
The President of AmCham South China and Ph.D. students in Italy. This course provided university
was invited to the reception. Enthusiastic students in Italy with an overview of the new technologies
German music with “O'zapft is!” started applied to various sectors, taking a cue from the Chinese
the greatest tapping ceremony. Embraced experience. Dr. Harley Seyedin was invited to deliver a speech
by the aroma of fresh malt, every guest themed “Energizing China” on May 18. During the speech,
gave a hardy “Prost” for the beginning he introduced Italy and China’s Energy Intensity from 1990
of the beer carnival. The rhythm of the to 2020 and briefly mentioned that enormous opportunities
accordion and the passion of the dance exist to help China achieve its goal of a zero-carbon footprint.
ignited the ambiance, not to mention the When asked about how China will complete the process of
great food, beer, and lucky draw presents. renewable energy transition in another 10 or 20 years, Dr.
The exhilarating festive cruise certainly Harley Seyedin said: “China has a goal of becoming carbon
set the atmosphere on fire, taking neutral by 2050. While they have made great progress, this
everyone on a short trip to Oktoberfest. will be a difficult goal to achieve. But I do believe they are
committed and believe within 30 years they will be able to
The government of the Panyu District, achieve their goal.”
Guangzhou City invited AmCham
President Dr. Harley Seyedin to an 18 Investment Promotion Video
interview for an investment promotion May Shooting for Panyu District
documentary. The interview was
carried out by Xinhua News at the
AmCham office on May 18. During the
Interview, Dr. Harley Seyedin pointed
out: “Panyu offers a great business
environment, very good schools and
good quality of living, which attracted
many businessmen to invest, make
profits, raise their family in Panyu, and
live a very happy and comfortable life.”