P. 15
take: • Reduce other barriers to deployment:
Outside of federal investments in broadband, NTIA
The U.S. Chamber filed comments to NTIA outlining and the administration should reduce other barriers
how the BEAD Program should be crafted to ensure to broadband deployment including onerous
its success. Here are our top four recommendations: permitting requirements, supply chain challenges,
and workforce shortages. Also, policymakers
• Use federal funds efficiently: should avoid exacerbating these challenges through
The Program should prioritize unserved areas first burdensome regulatory requirements and impractical
so that all Americans can benefit from an internet domestic content restrictions requirements.
connection. This means that NTIA should coordinate
with other federal agencies like the FCC and the What’s next:
Departments of Agriculture and Treasury to prevent
duplicative investments. • Program implementation: NTIA is required
to outline the parameters of the BEAD Program by
• Take a technology-neutral approach: Mid-May 2022. This will be translated into a Notice
There are many different types of technological of Funding Opportunity to let states know how to
solutions to provide an internet connection that participate in the program.
fits the needs of different communities, including
fiber, wireless, fixed wireless, and satellite. NTIA • Revised FCC maps: The bulk of BEAD Program
must maintain a technology-neutral approach and funds will be distributed based on updated maps
recognize the wide range of innovative solutions that will provide more precise details on who lacks
that the private sector offers. access to broadband. The FCC estimates that these
maps will be finalized by Fall 2022.
• Ensure a uniform approach across all 50
states: States will take a leading role in broadband • The bottom line: The pieces are in place to
deployment under the infrastructure law. NTIA connect all Americans to a prosperous digital future.
should work to prevent a confusing patchwork of Now it’s up to policymakers to partner with American
rules across states, particularly for quality-of-service businesses to make it happen.
requirements. NTIA should also coordinate with
the FCC to ensure quality of service requirements
and the low-cost option align to limit confusion and
contradictory requirements.
Outside of federal investments in broadband, NTIA
The U.S. Chamber filed comments to NTIA outlining and the administration should reduce other barriers
how the BEAD Program should be crafted to ensure to broadband deployment including onerous
its success. Here are our top four recommendations: permitting requirements, supply chain challenges,
and workforce shortages. Also, policymakers
• Use federal funds efficiently: should avoid exacerbating these challenges through
The Program should prioritize unserved areas first burdensome regulatory requirements and impractical
so that all Americans can benefit from an internet domestic content restrictions requirements.
connection. This means that NTIA should coordinate
with other federal agencies like the FCC and the What’s next:
Departments of Agriculture and Treasury to prevent
duplicative investments. • Program implementation: NTIA is required
to outline the parameters of the BEAD Program by
• Take a technology-neutral approach: Mid-May 2022. This will be translated into a Notice
There are many different types of technological of Funding Opportunity to let states know how to
solutions to provide an internet connection that participate in the program.
fits the needs of different communities, including
fiber, wireless, fixed wireless, and satellite. NTIA • Revised FCC maps: The bulk of BEAD Program
must maintain a technology-neutral approach and funds will be distributed based on updated maps
recognize the wide range of innovative solutions that will provide more precise details on who lacks
that the private sector offers. access to broadband. The FCC estimates that these
maps will be finalized by Fall 2022.
• Ensure a uniform approach across all 50
states: States will take a leading role in broadband • The bottom line: The pieces are in place to
deployment under the infrastructure law. NTIA connect all Americans to a prosperous digital future.
should work to prevent a confusing patchwork of Now it’s up to policymakers to partner with American
rules across states, particularly for quality-of-service businesses to make it happen.
requirements. NTIA should also coordinate with
the FCC to ensure quality of service requirements
and the low-cost option align to limit confusion and
contradictory requirements.