P. 36

China International Fair for Investment of comprehensive opening up and construction
Trade 2021 (abbreviated as "CIFIT 2021") is of an open world economy. Meanwhile, based
scheduled to take place during September 8th- 11th on the advantages of the Fujian Core Area of
in Xiamen, China. Themed on "Introducing FDI" Maritime Silk Road, the integration with the
and "Going Global, the CIFIT 2021 will organize a "Belt and Road" and the development of BRICS
series of investment promotion events including Partnership on New Industrial Revolution, CIFIT
exhibition, forums and seminars, B2B project 2021 will continue to strengthen the functions
matchmaking, high-end protocol meetings, etc. of three platforms, namely "bilateral investment
promotion platform, authoritative information
Each year, the CIFIT receives over 100,000 release platform, and investment trend discussion
professional participants, including 15,000 overseas platform", to enhance internationalization,
visitors from governmental institutions, investment specialization, and branding, taking the initiative
promotion agencies business associations and to promote the new development mode where
multinational corporations of more than 100 countries the domestic and international dual circulation
and regions, as well as 50,000 business professionals complementing each other, and providing a one-
and government officials from more than 300 major stop service platform for bilateral and multilateral
cities in China. Over 1, 500 correspondents from economic cooperation and exchange.
hundreds of domestic and foreign mainstream media
will extensively cover the whole event. The CIFIT Organizing Committee sincerely
welcomes investment promotion agencies,
The CIFIT 2021 will focus on investment, pool chambers of commerce, industrial associations,
the global resources and further establish the multinational corporations and renowned
platform for investment promotion, to play a companies worldwide to the grand platform and
proactive role in the formation of a new pattern share business opportunities.

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