P. 29
sha College Preparatory Academy Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited
广州市南沙优联教育中心 香港电讯有限公司
Planning for the creation of Nansha College Preparatory Academy About HKT (Hong Kong Telecommunications Limited): HKT
began in 2011. The school is owned by a joint venture partnership (SEHK: 6823) is Hong Kong's premier telecommunications service
between Guangdong U-Link Educational Services, Ltd. (ULink) and the provider and leading operator in fixed-line, broadband and mobile
International Schools Services (ISS) of Princeton, New Jersey. ULink communication services.
has been in operation for more than fifteen years and operates British
curriculum schools across China. ISS is a non-profit organization that HKT China operations: HKT has established a strong presence in
has owned and managed international schools across the globe since this field with ICT experts, a 7x24 technical support team and one-stop
1955. NCPA was established as an English immersion school with ICT solutions. HKT also brings in advanced management practice and
the aim of educating young people who aspire to higher education provides integrated network management, ensuring that customers
primarily in North America. Accordingly, NCPA uses the U.S. Common benefit from high quality services. We serve a large number of the
Core curriculum and our academic programs culminate in the College world's top-500 companies as well as leading enterprises in mainland
Board's Advanced Placement (AP) Program. While delivering content China and Hong Kong. HKT offers a wide range of ICT solutions in the
in English, the school's Chinese program works to ensure that students' Mainland, including the solutions for SD-WAN, Cybersecurity, IP VPN,
home language continues to grow and develop such that graduates leased circuits, ISP, Multi-Party Communications Services (MPCS),
become fully bilingual. The school seeks to provide students with a Facility Managed Network Service (FMNS) and Systems Integration
comprehensive liberal arts education that allows ample opportunities etc. to facilitate the business operations of enterprises.
for students to explore and develop their talents in mathematics,
science, language, literature, and the fine and performing arts. The 关于香港电讯:香港电讯(香港联合交易所上市代号:6823)是香港首
school seeks to develop students' leadership and teamwork skills 屈一指的电讯服务供应商及领先的固网、宽频及流动通讯服务营运商。
through an extensive co-curricular education program.
广州NCPA美式中学自2011年开始筹建,由广东优联教育服务有限 7x24客户专业服务及一站式ICT解决方案,实行中港网络管理一体
公司(ULink)与总部位于美国新泽西州普林斯顿的国际学校服务机 化,为客户提供优质服务。我们服务于众多全球500强公司及中港
构(ISS)合作组建而成。ULink已成立并运营了超过十五年,在中 领先企业,获得客户一致认可。香港电讯于内地提供的服务包括SD-
国各地运营英式课程学校。ISS是一个非营利机构,自1955年开始 WAN服务、网络安全服务、虚拟专用网、数据专线、互联网服务、
在全球各地运营和管理国际学校。NCPA采用英语浸入式教学法,旨 多方通讯、多云速连、基础设施管理网络服务及系统集成等,协助各
在为有志于到国外尤其是北美接受高等教育的年轻人提供优质的美 类企业在各地开创业务。
事会的大学先修课程(AP)作为最高难度的学术课程。学校以英语 Contact Person: Aries Chu
为教学语言,并开设中文课程,确保学生在英语语言能力不断提高 Add: 815-819, International Banking Tower, 191 Dongfeng West Road,
的同时,其母语(中文)能力也能够继续得到培养与发展,并最终 Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, 510180, China
在毕业时成为精通中英双语的人才。学校致力于为学生提供全面的 地址:广州市越秀区东风西路191号国际银行中心815-819 (邮编: 510180)
文理通识教育,使学生有充足的机会去探索和发展自身在数学、科 Tel: 852-2883 9042
学、语言、文学、美术和表演艺术等方面的才能。学校还辅以广泛 Fax: 852-2888 3219
的课外活动项目来进一步培养学生的领导力和团队协作能力。 E-mail:
Contact Person: Rain Zhang
Add: 180 Gang Qian Boulevard, Nansha, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 511458 ShoreVest Partners
地址:中国广东广州南沙区港前大道180号511458 新岸资本
Tel: 020-34683339
Fax: 020-34683528 ShoreVest Partners is an institutional private investment
e-mail: firm specializing in Chinese distressed debt and structured
Website: credit. With a 15-year track record of consistent returns, our
investment process is scalable and repeatable across market
ECU WORLDWIDE (GUANGZHOU) LIMITED cycles. Our core team members have worked together for
广州市傲航国际货运代理有限公司 upwards of 10+ years. We leverage these core competencies to
source and extract returns in the rapidly increasing opportunity
ECU Worldwide is a leading international cargo & Air set, particularly in the non-performing loan (NPL) space.
Freight provider. Currently one of the largest NVOCCs in 新岸资本是专注于中国不良资产暨结构性融资的专业私募
the ocean freight transportation industry, specializing in 投资机构,拥有长达15年的持续回报业绩。
less-than-container load (LCL) freight consolidation, and
full-container load (FCL) shipping. We service destinations Contact person: Ada Bi
in over 160 countries and 300+ own offices worldwide. Add: International Finance Center, Suite 3601, 5 Zhujiangxi
ECU Worldwide是一间全球领先的国际海运和空运供应 Road, Guangzhou, China
商,是目前海运业最大的无船承运人之一,专业从事集装 地址:中国广东省广州市珠江西路5号国际金融中心3601室
箱散货拼箱,以及整柜运输业务。 我们在全球超过160个 Tel: (86 20) 8708 5764
国家拥有300多个自己的办事处为客户提供服务。 E-mail:
Contact Person: Stephen Olano
Add: Unit 1817-1823, Baihui Plaza, 193 Zhongshanwu Road SOUTH CHINA BUSINESS JOURNAL 26
510030 Guangzhou (China)
Tel: +86 20 83649778 Ext:333
广州市南沙优联教育中心 香港电讯有限公司
Planning for the creation of Nansha College Preparatory Academy About HKT (Hong Kong Telecommunications Limited): HKT
began in 2011. The school is owned by a joint venture partnership (SEHK: 6823) is Hong Kong's premier telecommunications service
between Guangdong U-Link Educational Services, Ltd. (ULink) and the provider and leading operator in fixed-line, broadband and mobile
International Schools Services (ISS) of Princeton, New Jersey. ULink communication services.
has been in operation for more than fifteen years and operates British
curriculum schools across China. ISS is a non-profit organization that HKT China operations: HKT has established a strong presence in
has owned and managed international schools across the globe since this field with ICT experts, a 7x24 technical support team and one-stop
1955. NCPA was established as an English immersion school with ICT solutions. HKT also brings in advanced management practice and
the aim of educating young people who aspire to higher education provides integrated network management, ensuring that customers
primarily in North America. Accordingly, NCPA uses the U.S. Common benefit from high quality services. We serve a large number of the
Core curriculum and our academic programs culminate in the College world's top-500 companies as well as leading enterprises in mainland
Board's Advanced Placement (AP) Program. While delivering content China and Hong Kong. HKT offers a wide range of ICT solutions in the
in English, the school's Chinese program works to ensure that students' Mainland, including the solutions for SD-WAN, Cybersecurity, IP VPN,
home language continues to grow and develop such that graduates leased circuits, ISP, Multi-Party Communications Services (MPCS),
become fully bilingual. The school seeks to provide students with a Facility Managed Network Service (FMNS) and Systems Integration
comprehensive liberal arts education that allows ample opportunities etc. to facilitate the business operations of enterprises.
for students to explore and develop their talents in mathematics,
science, language, literature, and the fine and performing arts. The 关于香港电讯:香港电讯(香港联合交易所上市代号:6823)是香港首
school seeks to develop students' leadership and teamwork skills 屈一指的电讯服务供应商及领先的固网、宽频及流动通讯服务营运商。
through an extensive co-curricular education program.
广州NCPA美式中学自2011年开始筹建,由广东优联教育服务有限 7x24客户专业服务及一站式ICT解决方案,实行中港网络管理一体
公司(ULink)与总部位于美国新泽西州普林斯顿的国际学校服务机 化,为客户提供优质服务。我们服务于众多全球500强公司及中港
构(ISS)合作组建而成。ULink已成立并运营了超过十五年,在中 领先企业,获得客户一致认可。香港电讯于内地提供的服务包括SD-
国各地运营英式课程学校。ISS是一个非营利机构,自1955年开始 WAN服务、网络安全服务、虚拟专用网、数据专线、互联网服务、
在全球各地运营和管理国际学校。NCPA采用英语浸入式教学法,旨 多方通讯、多云速连、基础设施管理网络服务及系统集成等,协助各
在为有志于到国外尤其是北美接受高等教育的年轻人提供优质的美 类企业在各地开创业务。
事会的大学先修课程(AP)作为最高难度的学术课程。学校以英语 Contact Person: Aries Chu
为教学语言,并开设中文课程,确保学生在英语语言能力不断提高 Add: 815-819, International Banking Tower, 191 Dongfeng West Road,
的同时,其母语(中文)能力也能够继续得到培养与发展,并最终 Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, 510180, China
在毕业时成为精通中英双语的人才。学校致力于为学生提供全面的 地址:广州市越秀区东风西路191号国际银行中心815-819 (邮编: 510180)
文理通识教育,使学生有充足的机会去探索和发展自身在数学、科 Tel: 852-2883 9042
学、语言、文学、美术和表演艺术等方面的才能。学校还辅以广泛 Fax: 852-2888 3219
的课外活动项目来进一步培养学生的领导力和团队协作能力。 E-mail:
Contact Person: Rain Zhang
Add: 180 Gang Qian Boulevard, Nansha, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 511458 ShoreVest Partners
地址:中国广东广州南沙区港前大道180号511458 新岸资本
Tel: 020-34683339
Fax: 020-34683528 ShoreVest Partners is an institutional private investment
e-mail: firm specializing in Chinese distressed debt and structured
Website: credit. With a 15-year track record of consistent returns, our
investment process is scalable and repeatable across market
ECU WORLDWIDE (GUANGZHOU) LIMITED cycles. Our core team members have worked together for
广州市傲航国际货运代理有限公司 upwards of 10+ years. We leverage these core competencies to
source and extract returns in the rapidly increasing opportunity
ECU Worldwide is a leading international cargo & Air set, particularly in the non-performing loan (NPL) space.
Freight provider. Currently one of the largest NVOCCs in 新岸资本是专注于中国不良资产暨结构性融资的专业私募
the ocean freight transportation industry, specializing in 投资机构,拥有长达15年的持续回报业绩。
less-than-container load (LCL) freight consolidation, and
full-container load (FCL) shipping. We service destinations Contact person: Ada Bi
in over 160 countries and 300+ own offices worldwide. Add: International Finance Center, Suite 3601, 5 Zhujiangxi
ECU Worldwide是一间全球领先的国际海运和空运供应 Road, Guangzhou, China
商,是目前海运业最大的无船承运人之一,专业从事集装 地址:中国广东省广州市珠江西路5号国际金融中心3601室
箱散货拼箱,以及整柜运输业务。 我们在全球超过160个 Tel: (86 20) 8708 5764
国家拥有300多个自己的办事处为客户提供服务。 E-mail:
Contact Person: Stephen Olano
Add: Unit 1817-1823, Baihui Plaza, 193 Zhongshanwu Road SOUTH CHINA BUSINESS JOURNAL 26
510030 Guangzhou (China)
Tel: +86 20 83649778 Ext:333