P. 14

U.S. Secretary of Commerce

Gina M. Raimondo on

Bipartisan Infrastructure We have a moment
Framework to show the world
that democracies
U.S. Chamber of Commerce can succeed in
tackling our biggest
WASHINGTON – June 24, 2021 – challenges and that
Following President Joe Biden’s America can lead
announcement of the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan by example.
Infrastructure Framework, U.S. Secretary of
Commerce Gina M. Raimondo released the
following statement:

“Today represents a historic accomplishment “As the President has said – we’ve spent too
that will transform our economy, create much time competing with one another, and
millions of good-paying jobs, rebuild our not nearly enough competing with the rest of
country’s infrastructure, and position the the world to win the 21st century. We have a
United States to outcompete on the global moment to show the world that democracies
stage. This framework is a momentous step can succeed in tackling our biggest challenges
forward in delivering for the American people and that America can lead by example. Today’s
and will benefit millions of American workers, Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework is our
businesses and communities. opportunity to do that. We are demonstrating
that you can work across the aisle to deliver a
“This framework provides long overdue big, bold plan with bipartisan support.
investments in some of our most critical
sectors that drive our economy, such as a “Our work is not done. President Biden
historic $65 billion investment in broadband himself outlined critical priorities, such as
infrastructure to connect every American to investing in the Care Economy, that are not
reliable high-speed internet. The pandemic included in this package but remain critical
exposed how essential access to affordable, components of our economic recovery and
reliable broadband is to our everyday need to be included in the accompanying
lives. Too many rural, tribal and minority reconciliation package. I look forward to
communities do not have the access needed working with members of Congress to pass
to go to school or work remotely, or access and implement the Bipartisan Infrastructure
critical services like telemedicine. This Framework as part of President Biden’s Build
bipartisan plan will bridge the digital divide Back Better Agenda.”
and ensure no community is left behind.

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