P. 21
clinic will return to Broad Street Baking Medicap is partnering with several businesses in
Company next month to administer the second doses. the Des Moines area to host clinics, and Hubler
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, said word is getting out that this is an option for
businesses large and small have stepped up to businesses. She’s also heard of plans in the works
fight the disease in their communities, and vaccine for shots to be set up at local sporting events and
clinics hosted by local businesses owners are a farmers markets.
crucial next step in the nation’s recovery. Orlando Products, a packaging solutions company,
Businesses across the country are ready, willing, has been running a vaccine clinic at their facility
and able to help America get vaccinated, writes in Baltimore, Maryland. And in Baton Rouge,
Mike Carney, Senior Vice President of Emerging modern Asian restaurant Soji held a vaccination
Issues, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. event called “Get a Shot, Take a Shot,” where
With the reach and relationships needed to anyone who got vaccinated received a free drink or
overcome distribution barriers and vaccine a free dumpling.
hesitancy, businesses are uniquely positioned Soji partnered with local medical group Relief
to get Americans to the next phase of immunity. Health and had an on-site nurse administer
Small businesses are also trusted institutions: Moderna vaccines. The event was part of a larger
According to Gallup, small business is the most “Shots for Shots” campaign in Louisiana to
trusted institution in the United States and encourage COVID-19 vaccinations, Yahoo News
represent more than 90% of all businesses in reports. Customers at the Soji event said the
the country. convenience of it was key in their decision to get
From encouraging local community members to the shot.
receive the vaccine and spreading awareness, to As vaccine supply begins to outpace demand,
providing logistical support and hosting clinics, meeting Americans where they are is crucial.
small business owners are already stepping up. Vaccines must be more accessible than a clinic in a
In early April, employees at Wittern Group, a far-off location, and, for many, it’s hard to navigate
vending machine manufacturer in Clive, Iowa, the patchwork of policies and websites to schedule
were vaccinated through a partnership with an appointment even if you have internet access.
Medicap Pharmacy. About a third of Witten But businesses have the space, volunteers, and
Group’s 300 employees received their vaccine other resources necessary to host clinics, and larger
through the clinic, and second doses were given companies are well-equipped to host in-house
four weeks later. medical personnel to vaccinate their employees as
they have done in the past with flu shots.
Working with Medicap “was In a recent survey of employees, McKinsey &
a seamless and easy process,” Company found that 83% of those surveyed said
offering on-site vaccinations would increase the
says Wittern Group’s Chief likelihood that they get the shot. “Employers are
Marketing Officer Ashley uniquely positioned to support vaccine adoption
Hubler. “We all have to do our and could do so by … making vaccination as
part to get back to normal. convenient and costless to employees as possible,”
This is just one way as a the consultancy notes.
company that we can show our A recent KFF study found nearly a quarter of
commitment to the community, Americans were more likely to get the vaccine if
was available at their workplace.
and our employees.” Few states have prioritized workplaces in their
distribution strategies, but employer vaccine
clinics are the logical next step from more
widespread vaccine adoption in America. Making
it easier for businesses to protect the health of
their employees and community members will get
our country back to health.

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