P. 7
investments that may fall under the said An interesting aspect of the field is that any
scrutiny. However, considering the type of sectors progress made enables further improvement in
mentioned by the Measures that include, among how AI works: unlike computer hardware, AI is an
others, technology, information technology, open science, and therefore many of the essential
internet products and services – as well as the algorithms in the field are public knowledge. By
restrictions introduced by the Export Control Law using the technology, users generate data and
– foreign investments in AI will likely be subject to through machine learning capabilities, products
the national security review. are being constantly improved.
Considering China’s mature market, impetus
Background towards research and industrial application, and
a large population base, it is not farfetched to
On July 20, 2017, China’s State Council had issued assume that as AI technologies rapidly evolve,
the Notice of the State Council on Issuing the they will benefit both local and foreign enterprises.
Development Plan for the New Generation of Therefore, foreign companies able to provide AI
Artificial Intelligence (hereafter, Notice) setting related knowledge and know-how may find that it
out a top-level design blueprint charting the is the right time to look for business opportunities
country’s approach to developing AI technology within this ‘encouraged’ sector.
and applications, setting broad goals up to 2030.
This Notice remarked how AI has become a new
engine of economic development as well as a new
focus of international competition, being able to
involve a wide-ranging
branch of computer
science and build machines
capable of performing
tasks that typically require
human intelligence.
Rapid growth
creates frontier
Since the issuance of
the 2017 Notice and the
implementation of others
plans, such as Internet
Plus, Made in China
2025, Next Generation
Artificial Intelligence
Development Plan, various
timely measures have been
introduced to strengthen
the development of
AI technologies and
incentivize industry-
specific tech innovation.
China has become a world
leader in AI publications
and patents and intends
to become a leader in AI-
empowered businesses,
such as speech and image
recognition applications.
scrutiny. However, considering the type of sectors progress made enables further improvement in
mentioned by the Measures that include, among how AI works: unlike computer hardware, AI is an
others, technology, information technology, open science, and therefore many of the essential
internet products and services – as well as the algorithms in the field are public knowledge. By
restrictions introduced by the Export Control Law using the technology, users generate data and
– foreign investments in AI will likely be subject to through machine learning capabilities, products
the national security review. are being constantly improved.
Considering China’s mature market, impetus
Background towards research and industrial application, and
a large population base, it is not farfetched to
On July 20, 2017, China’s State Council had issued assume that as AI technologies rapidly evolve,
the Notice of the State Council on Issuing the they will benefit both local and foreign enterprises.
Development Plan for the New Generation of Therefore, foreign companies able to provide AI
Artificial Intelligence (hereafter, Notice) setting related knowledge and know-how may find that it
out a top-level design blueprint charting the is the right time to look for business opportunities
country’s approach to developing AI technology within this ‘encouraged’ sector.
and applications, setting broad goals up to 2030.
This Notice remarked how AI has become a new
engine of economic development as well as a new
focus of international competition, being able to
involve a wide-ranging
branch of computer
science and build machines
capable of performing
tasks that typically require
human intelligence.
Rapid growth
creates frontier
Since the issuance of
the 2017 Notice and the
implementation of others
plans, such as Internet
Plus, Made in China
2025, Next Generation
Artificial Intelligence
Development Plan, various
timely measures have been
introduced to strengthen
the development of
AI technologies and
incentivize industry-
specific tech innovation.
China has become a world
leader in AI publications
and patents and intends
to become a leader in AI-
empowered businesses,
such as speech and image
recognition applications.