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Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, At the same time, under this "new normal",
Greetings, human resource practitioners are shouldering
President, AmCham South China China is back in double digit growth. The a more important task than before - how to
Winner of the 2017 Oslo help employers establish new norms from the
Business for Peace Award gross domestic product (GDP) in the first perspective of human resource management, so
Awardedby theAwardCommitteeof quarter soared to 24,931.0 billion yuan, up by as to build resilience in corporate development
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics a record high of 18.3% year on year, or up by in a longer term. AmCham South China and
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University 0.6% over that in the fourth quarter of 2020 AmCham's CHRMA were proud to organize
and 10.3 percent over that in the first quarter an in-person event in late April at M Moser
of 2019, with an average two-year growth Shenzhen Living Lab in Shenzhen bringing
of 5.0 percent at comparable prices. Some in experts from different fields to share their
of the many factors that contributed to this expertise and understanding on helping
growth were the low base figure of last year corporates strategize its way out on the future of
and an increase of working days due to the work trends, building resilience.
lack of traveling during Spring Festival. Soaring
exports certainly didn’t hurt. Greater demand China projects a 6% growth in 2021, the first
by trading partners emerging from the of the government’s five-year economic plan.
pandemic fueled Chinese industrial production Policymakers envision growth from domestic
and investments. Exports jumped 49% during consumption fueled by national development of
the quarter to US$710 billion, while imports advanced technologies. More policy support for
rose 28% to US$593.6 billion. The quarter- the economy are expected in the second half of
on-quarter growth of 0.6 percent in the first the year. Measures to boost consumption, such
quarter with the average two-year growth as handing out more digital yuan to residents
reaching 5.0 percent demonstrated a steady in certain cities, is likely to be introduced from
recovery of the national economy. the third quarter of this year as the country
celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding
The atmosphere is particularly vibrant in the of the Communist Party of China. These are
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay some reasons why we are already making plans
Area, where tens of thousands of small and to attend the 21st China International Fair for
medium-sized businesses are located. Many Investment & Trade (abbreviated as the CIFIT) is
of them deal with foreign trade and have seen scheduled for this September in Xiamen, China.
their operations grow remarkably since last AmCham South China, in collaboration with the
year as overseas orders surged amid the public Organizing Committee of China International
health crisis. Fair for Investment & Trade (CIFIT), organized the
2021 CIFIT Promotion Symposium in Guangzhou
The Greater Bay Area is the cream of the crop, on April 29. I truly believe that CIFIT is the best
recording the highest growth in the number of sympoium offers the best global investment
new jobs on offer across the country — up by opportunities for worldwide business insiders
375% for the first week after the Spring Festival today. Contact our office you would be
break — compared with the same period a year interested to join us on the traveling committee.
ago. The world certainly is radically different
compared with the spring of last year, when
COVID-19 began its rampage, forcing millions
of people to be confined to their homes, and
businesses came to an abrupt halt. But with the
pandemic stopped in its tracks this year, the
mainland job market now is a hive of activity,
with enterprises and job seekers adopting a
positive outlook. The number of active job
hunters soared by up to 70 percent year-on-year.

Now is certainly time to look toward the
future. The challenges of the past year and a
half are now presenting opportunities to the
world economy. The pandemic reshaped many
industries and promoted new business types
at a speed we could not have imagined before.
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