P. 11
9 AmCham South China White Paper Release Conference

The rules also improve the working mechanism working together on this annual message for the
for complaints, clarify the procedures, and past four years.
strengthen the protection of rights and interests
of foreign investors. Normally, Harley gives Jay information about
what he wants in the message, Jay writes it up,
All of this was possible because the American then Harley personalizes the message. This is a
Chamber of Commerce in South China (AmCham process that tends to go back and forth several
South China) spoke out about its necessity. It time and then it is ready to print.
almost didn’t happen.
Harley was late starting the process in 2019. As
The AmCham South China’s annual White he told Jay, he was busy working on a chamber
Paper on the Business Environment in China member’s civil court problems. The problem,
is an extensively researched and exhaustively as Harley saw it, was that the vast majority of
cited 500+ page bi-lingual quantitative study difficulties and disputes foreign companies
analyzing the regulatory process and business faced every year were not caused by the central
actions affecting over 100 industries and areas of government but by the local governments. “Many
concern. It is created by the cooperation of many of these problems are a direct result of unfair
people including writers, researchers, and board treatment by low-level municipal governments
of trustee members. Much of the research in the and the fact that rarely is there a proper channel
first two chapters are compiled and written by or venue where a foreign entity can get a fair
Mercer University professor Jay Black from his hearing and treatment according to the law,” the
office in Macon Georgia. Jay is in constant contact president of the American Chamber of Commerce
with his counterparts in AmCham’s Guangzhou in South China wrote at the time.
headquarters and president Harley Seyedin, who,
as editor and review committee chair directs the Jay wrote Harley back and jokingly told him that
entire process. The last thing to be written is the perhaps he shouldn’t air someone’s dirty laundry.
President’s Message. Jay and Harley have been Harley said he would consider it and promised to
send Jay the information as quickly as he could.

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