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For the last century and a half, The pandemic is now under control and
photography has become a familiar and China's economy is recovering with a strong
universal means of communication. The force. AmCham South China has had the
culture of photography continues to expand honor to witness the great efforts and
as the Digital Age evolves. With tremendous contributions by our member enterprises.
vitality and creativity, countless numbers of We have stood by you and will continue to
people of all ages now use it to share their do so. Rebuilding an economy that was in
impressions, experiences and stories on danger of stagnation required the strong will
social media. and hard work from everyone. We are more
than thrilled to say this is now a time of hope
A photograph’s basic essence is one of a time and joy. Through trials and tribulations, the
machines, a representation of a singular future we are forging is even brighter now.
and silent moment in history and space. And then it happened.
The genesis of the Ray of Hope Photography
Contest, organized by AmCham South A sudden rainstorm passed through
China, developed from a singular shared Guangzhou on June 17 as people were
moment across a city. getting off of work, leaving a gorgeous
rainbow in its path. Numerous citizens
Much has been asked of the people of stopped their hurried steps one after another
South China in 2020. The coronavirus and recorded their today's moment of
pandemic forced people to become more happiness. It was such a small thing, but it
aware of how precious life is. Best practices gave people hope. It appeared right around
during a pandemic including hand washing when people got off work and immediately
and social distancing had to be retaught. went viral on the Internet.
Mandatory stay-at-home measures as well
as school, businesses, and public space The Ray of Hope Photography Contest
closing forced us away from our friends and celebrates the re-emergence of hope and life
loved ones. We were forced to wear masks on our city streets. All winners receive prizes
that hid out identities when we ventured from Heinz and LehmanBrown. Our grand
outside out homes. prize winner also will receive a ticket to
AmCham’s 2020 Hope Ball in September (a
1500 RMB value).
For the last century and a half, The pandemic is now under control and
photography has become a familiar and China's economy is recovering with a strong
universal means of communication. The force. AmCham South China has had the
culture of photography continues to expand honor to witness the great efforts and
as the Digital Age evolves. With tremendous contributions by our member enterprises.
vitality and creativity, countless numbers of We have stood by you and will continue to
people of all ages now use it to share their do so. Rebuilding an economy that was in
impressions, experiences and stories on danger of stagnation required the strong will
social media. and hard work from everyone. We are more
than thrilled to say this is now a time of hope
A photograph’s basic essence is one of a time and joy. Through trials and tribulations, the
machines, a representation of a singular future we are forging is even brighter now.
and silent moment in history and space. And then it happened.
The genesis of the Ray of Hope Photography
Contest, organized by AmCham South A sudden rainstorm passed through
China, developed from a singular shared Guangzhou on June 17 as people were
moment across a city. getting off of work, leaving a gorgeous
rainbow in its path. Numerous citizens
Much has been asked of the people of stopped their hurried steps one after another
South China in 2020. The coronavirus and recorded their today's moment of
pandemic forced people to become more happiness. It was such a small thing, but it
aware of how precious life is. Best practices gave people hope. It appeared right around
during a pandemic including hand washing when people got off work and immediately
and social distancing had to be retaught. went viral on the Internet.
Mandatory stay-at-home measures as well
as school, businesses, and public space The Ray of Hope Photography Contest
closing forced us away from our friends and celebrates the re-emergence of hope and life
loved ones. We were forced to wear masks on our city streets. All winners receive prizes
that hid out identities when we ventured from Heinz and LehmanBrown. Our grand
outside out homes. prize winner also will receive a ticket to
AmCham’s 2020 Hope Ball in September (a
1500 RMB value).