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Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, to rise. By the end of 2020, 265 million people could
be in a crisis level situation. As COVID-19 deteriorates
President, AmCham South China We have three special articles in this month’s economic conditions, it could also result in funding
Winner of the 2017 Oslo edition of the South China Business cuts to major humanitarian organizations. Upwards
Business for Peace Award Journal that I think will catch your eye. The Trump of 300,000 people could die every day if this happens,
Awardedby theAwardCommitteeof administration believes that June 2020 will according to the World Food Program’s executive
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics mark the end of recession as jobs skyrocketed director. As a recipient of the Oslo Business for Peace
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University and unemployment tumbled by double digits. Award, it was my honor to be a signatory along with
Perhaps even the best news for our economy is 24 other winners from 21 nations on a joint call to
that retail sales are also surging. U.S. Commerce action to prevent what we perceive as a dramatic
Secretary Wilbur L. Ross has sent us an op-ed with danger of world hunger due to the pandemic in the
his predictions for the coming year that includes Global South.
how the current economic downturn is radically
different from what we saw in 2009. He predicts I must say that I have been deeply moved by the
that a full recovery will not take long. Read the tragic events surrounding the death of George Floyd.
whole story on page 11. I am not blinded by the sickness in our societies.
Atrocities have always been achieved by those who
Covid-19 has been dominating headlines, but believed they were doing the least harm.
very little has been written concerning how
intertwined the virus is with the global food chain. In addition if we are to call ourselves civilized then
This combination is already threatening the lives as citizens we cannot neglect our role in creating a
of millions of additional people around the world. better world for our children. I elaborate on this in a
Food insecurity is the direct result of funding small op-ed piece of my own on page 13.
cuts due to economic downturns or reallocation
to Covid-19 specific programs by various I also wish you and your families a Happy July 4th
governments around the world. Furthermore, and look forward to see you again soon.
restrictions and illness limit the availability of
agricultural labor which in turn causes food prices
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