P. 19
to by US Chamber of Commerce make these adaptations, it is worth noting that more
than six in ten (62%) are concerned about the risks
that is the average time to convert an opportunity the virus poses to their employees and customers.
into a project. The jury is out on how bad that hit
will be.” “Small business owners are cautiously optimistic
about opening their doors again. But they remain
The poll found a mixed picture when it comes to concerned on what the post-COVID world looks
hiring. The majority (71%) say they have the same like and how they can successfully reopen, while
number of employees as in February of this year ensuring the safety for their employees and
before the COVID-19 pandemic began in the United customers,” said Suzanne Clark, president, U.S.
States, but 22% report having fewer employees. Chamber of Commerce. “Business owners across
Among those that report having fewer employees America need clear guidance at the federal, state,
now, more than half (55%) anticipate rehiring or and local level on how to reopen their businesses
bringing back most of those employees in the next safely and sustainably.”
six months.
For small businesses that are ready to reopen,
Reopening Adaptations and Concerns the U.S. Chamber has created a Small Business
The poll also found that small businesses are Reopening Guide and a customizable workplace
already adapting to new ways of doing business. flyer to show customers and employees the steps
Eighty-three percent of small businesses that they are taking to keep them safe. As for the longer-
have not permanently closed report that they are term picture, Briccetti is not quite sure what’s next.
making, or plan to make, adaptations in response
to the coronavirus. Of the businesses making “It's tough to see travel, tourism and entertainment
adaptations, nearly half (48%) have either started, hit so hard at the same time, I think many people
or plan to start, more frequent cleaning/disinfecting are saving money by not spending in these
of surfaces, while 44% are asking (or plan to ask) categories,” Briccetti said. “Will we have the
employees to self-monitor for symptoms and stay rebound ‘optimism’ we are expecting? And will
home if they are feeling sick. there be a second peak of COVID cases that forces
us back into our homes? Those two factors alone
Four in ten small businesses are making, or plan to will have the ultimate say in what happens to the
make, adaptations around wearing protective gear national economy and I think it is too soon to tell.”
(40%) or requiring six feet of distance (39%) for
employees and customers. As businesses begin to SOUTH CHINA BUSINESS JOURNAL 16
than six in ten (62%) are concerned about the risks
that is the average time to convert an opportunity the virus poses to their employees and customers.
into a project. The jury is out on how bad that hit
will be.” “Small business owners are cautiously optimistic
about opening their doors again. But they remain
The poll found a mixed picture when it comes to concerned on what the post-COVID world looks
hiring. The majority (71%) say they have the same like and how they can successfully reopen, while
number of employees as in February of this year ensuring the safety for their employees and
before the COVID-19 pandemic began in the United customers,” said Suzanne Clark, president, U.S.
States, but 22% report having fewer employees. Chamber of Commerce. “Business owners across
Among those that report having fewer employees America need clear guidance at the federal, state,
now, more than half (55%) anticipate rehiring or and local level on how to reopen their businesses
bringing back most of those employees in the next safely and sustainably.”
six months.
For small businesses that are ready to reopen,
Reopening Adaptations and Concerns the U.S. Chamber has created a Small Business
The poll also found that small businesses are Reopening Guide and a customizable workplace
already adapting to new ways of doing business. flyer to show customers and employees the steps
Eighty-three percent of small businesses that they are taking to keep them safe. As for the longer-
have not permanently closed report that they are term picture, Briccetti is not quite sure what’s next.
making, or plan to make, adaptations in response
to the coronavirus. Of the businesses making “It's tough to see travel, tourism and entertainment
adaptations, nearly half (48%) have either started, hit so hard at the same time, I think many people
or plan to start, more frequent cleaning/disinfecting are saving money by not spending in these
of surfaces, while 44% are asking (or plan to ask) categories,” Briccetti said. “Will we have the
employees to self-monitor for symptoms and stay rebound ‘optimism’ we are expecting? And will
home if they are feeling sick. there be a second peak of COVID cases that forces
us back into our homes? Those two factors alone
Four in ten small businesses are making, or plan to will have the ultimate say in what happens to the
make, adaptations around wearing protective gear national economy and I think it is too soon to tell.”
(40%) or requiring six feet of distance (39%) for
employees and customers. As businesses begin to SOUTH CHINA BUSINESS JOURNAL 16