P. 16


By Jack Howard
Senior Vice President, Congressional and Public Affairs
US Chamber of Commerce

Our country is facing three unprecedented Since 1965, the Chamber has rated senators and
challenges. From a global pandemic, to an members of Congress solely on how consistently
economic crisis that has put 40 million Americans they voted with the U.S. Chamber’s position on
out of work, to long overdue efforts to address legislation identified as important to the business
inequality and injustice in our society, our country community. As the next step in that effort,
stands at a crossroads. We can either accept this beginning in 2019 with the 116th Congress, we
new reality, or we can roll up our sleeves and get began tracking how often a member cosponsored
to work building consensus and solving the great legislation introduced by a member of the opposite
challenges facing our nation. party to measure bipartisanship. We also began
to track the number of Chamber-endorsed bills a
Many are looking to our nation’s government and member cosponsors and Chamber-opposed bills
elected leaders for answers during this time. But for the member declines to cosponsor to measure
there to be meaningful and long-lasting solutions leadership. These new components now account
to our nation’s most pressing problems, we need for 20% (10% each) of a member’s Annual Score,
pragmatic political leaders who have the courage with the legislative component now accounting for
to solve huge business and economic growth issues 80% of their Annual Score.
through common sense solutions built from a
durable political center, not ideological corners. To recognize members that demonstrate the
bipartisan leadership and constructive governing
At the Chamber, we recognize this need to necessary to move our country forward, we
highlight members of Congress who show have created two new awards to celebrate the
leadership on good legislation and who reach top scorers in each new scoring category: the
across the aisle, so we made a pledge in January Abraham Lincoln Leadership for America Award
of 2019 to heighten our focus on and reward and Jefferson-Hamilton Award for Bipartisanship.
bipartisan leadership and constructive governing. The Abraham Lincoln Leadership for America
We are now making good on that promise with the Award recognizes members of Congress who
release of our revised “How They Voted” scorecard demonstrate the leadership critical to advancing
and a new awards program that honors members policies that support America’s free enterprise
of Congress who lead their caucuses and are system. The Jefferson – Hamilton Award for
committed to bipartisanship.

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