P. 28
Micro Trading(shanghai) Limited La Medina
La Medina bar/restaurant, opened in May 2017, is a
The Swiss company, which was established in 1996, unique establishment in Guangzhou specialized in
is located in Küsnacht on Lake Zurich. From here, Mediterranean & Moroccan food. From our sharing
a young and motivated team supplies around 3,000 platters, healthy salads and specialties from Spain,
stores in 60 countries. As well as the neighbouring Morocco, Greece and so on, the menu is a journey
countries, customers in England, the US, Australia through Mediterranean cuisine. La Medina can
and Scandinavia are among the main customers of perfectly accommodate a lazy afternoon/evening
the trendy scooters. In addition to different variants sipping some of our signature cocktails with tapas on
of the micro? Scooter, the product range also the terrace as well as a dinner inside with our cozy
includes kickboards, runner bikes and accessories. La Medina 餐吧于2017年5月开始营业,是目前广
The various products have won many awards. 州首家特色地中海&摩洛哥名菜餐吧。餐厅菜单供
micro公司是一个瑞士品牌公司,成立于1996年, 应多款美味精致拼盘,健康沙拉及选材于西班牙,
坐落于苏黎世湖边的古斯纳特的小村庄里。在这里, 摩洛哥,希腊等地中海沿岸国家的特色名菜,多样
一个年轻的充满积极性的团队负责把米高产品发送 美味的菜品让客人不用走出国门便能享受一趟地中
到全世界大约60个国家城市3000个店铺。micro 海美食之旅。
La Medina 有着舒适的外景露台及
产品还分布到欧洲邻国,最大的客户分布在联合王 异域风情的摩洛哥风格的用餐环境,客人在享受特
国、美国、南非、澳大利亚和斯堪的纳维亚半岛。 色鸡尾酒的同时可品尝到非一般的异域美食。La
除了不同版本的micro滑板车,产品范围还包括三轮 Medina不失为一个消磨慵懒舒适的下午和度过美丽
滑板车、单车和配件。各种各样的产品赢得很多的 夜晚的好去处。。
Contact person: Van Gemeren EF English First Language Training (Shanghai) Co.,
Add: Floor 3, No.13 Junye Road, Xiaolan, Ltd
Zhonghsan528415, Guangdong, China. 英域成语言培训(上海)有限公司
地址:广东省中山市小榄镇骏业路13号3楼 We work with the largest and most successful
Tel: 0760-89829651 companies in the world to improve their staffs'
E-mail: external and internal communication skills through
Website: providing language training solutions.
We do this as we believe it will help them:
people&kids become better global company, improve
广州乐儿国际教育咨询有限公司 understandings between countries, teams and
people, reduce errors and misunderstandings,
Established in 2004, people&baby is France’s leading improve staff retention, create better business
independent, family-oriented childcare center company. relationships, grow internationally and increase
people&kids is the subsidiary of people&baby in China. customer satisfaction.
Jointly led by Odile Broglin, a pediatric nurse, and And as a result: increase their market share, growth
Christophe Durieux, CEO, people&baby creates and and profitability.
manages childcare centers offering children a unique, 教育,让世界无界。
premium quality program throughout its French 我们是卓越的私人教育公司,在全球52个国家和地区设
network of 300 centers. Pedagogy behind people&kids’ 有培训中心、学校和办事处。我们拥有优质的全套培训
early childhood programs relies entirely on your child’s 项目,我们的目标是:培养和激发人们的最大潜力。
wellbeing, discovery and development. 通过我们的培训,学员们将成为更好的领导者,跨越
法国people&baby是法国儿科护士Odile Broglin和其 不同文化和语言进行交流和合作。我们为世界各地的
丈夫Christophe Durieux于2004年创立的法国私立托 个人和企业提供培训,通过增加员工参与度,增强员
儿早教集团。people&kids是该集团在中国设立的子 工创新力,优化生产率,使得员工能更好的与客户交
公司,我们专为0-6岁儿童设计的优质保育设施,实 流----从而实现更大增长。
行了一套专为儿童健康、启智和充分发展而设计的培 Contact person: 戴志鹏
育计划。 Add: Room 705, 7th Floor, A Tower One Link
Contact person: François BAUMELOU International Centre No.230. Tianhe Road, Tianhe
Add: Room 802, 8/F, Leatop Plaza, 32 Zhujiang East District Guangzhou, China 510620
Road, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, 地址:广州市天河区天河路230号万菱国际中心A塔7
510623, P.R.C 楼705室
地址:广州市天河区珠江新城珠江东路32号利通广场 Tel: 13631351502
8层02单元 邮政编码:510623 E-mail:
Tel: +86 185 8861 4538 Website:
Micro Trading(shanghai) Limited La Medina
La Medina bar/restaurant, opened in May 2017, is a
The Swiss company, which was established in 1996, unique establishment in Guangzhou specialized in
is located in Küsnacht on Lake Zurich. From here, Mediterranean & Moroccan food. From our sharing
a young and motivated team supplies around 3,000 platters, healthy salads and specialties from Spain,
stores in 60 countries. As well as the neighbouring Morocco, Greece and so on, the menu is a journey
countries, customers in England, the US, Australia through Mediterranean cuisine. La Medina can
and Scandinavia are among the main customers of perfectly accommodate a lazy afternoon/evening
the trendy scooters. In addition to different variants sipping some of our signature cocktails with tapas on
of the micro? Scooter, the product range also the terrace as well as a dinner inside with our cozy
includes kickboards, runner bikes and accessories. La Medina 餐吧于2017年5月开始营业,是目前广
The various products have won many awards. 州首家特色地中海&摩洛哥名菜餐吧。餐厅菜单供
micro公司是一个瑞士品牌公司,成立于1996年, 应多款美味精致拼盘,健康沙拉及选材于西班牙,
坐落于苏黎世湖边的古斯纳特的小村庄里。在这里, 摩洛哥,希腊等地中海沿岸国家的特色名菜,多样
一个年轻的充满积极性的团队负责把米高产品发送 美味的菜品让客人不用走出国门便能享受一趟地中
到全世界大约60个国家城市3000个店铺。micro 海美食之旅。
La Medina 有着舒适的外景露台及
产品还分布到欧洲邻国,最大的客户分布在联合王 异域风情的摩洛哥风格的用餐环境,客人在享受特
国、美国、南非、澳大利亚和斯堪的纳维亚半岛。 色鸡尾酒的同时可品尝到非一般的异域美食。La
除了不同版本的micro滑板车,产品范围还包括三轮 Medina不失为一个消磨慵懒舒适的下午和度过美丽
滑板车、单车和配件。各种各样的产品赢得很多的 夜晚的好去处。。
Contact person: Van Gemeren EF English First Language Training (Shanghai) Co.,
Add: Floor 3, No.13 Junye Road, Xiaolan, Ltd
Zhonghsan528415, Guangdong, China. 英域成语言培训(上海)有限公司
地址:广东省中山市小榄镇骏业路13号3楼 We work with the largest and most successful
Tel: 0760-89829651 companies in the world to improve their staffs'
E-mail: external and internal communication skills through
Website: providing language training solutions.
We do this as we believe it will help them:
people&kids become better global company, improve
广州乐儿国际教育咨询有限公司 understandings between countries, teams and
people, reduce errors and misunderstandings,
Established in 2004, people&baby is France’s leading improve staff retention, create better business
independent, family-oriented childcare center company. relationships, grow internationally and increase
people&kids is the subsidiary of people&baby in China. customer satisfaction.
Jointly led by Odile Broglin, a pediatric nurse, and And as a result: increase their market share, growth
Christophe Durieux, CEO, people&baby creates and and profitability.
manages childcare centers offering children a unique, 教育,让世界无界。
premium quality program throughout its French 我们是卓越的私人教育公司,在全球52个国家和地区设
network of 300 centers. Pedagogy behind people&kids’ 有培训中心、学校和办事处。我们拥有优质的全套培训
early childhood programs relies entirely on your child’s 项目,我们的目标是:培养和激发人们的最大潜力。
wellbeing, discovery and development. 通过我们的培训,学员们将成为更好的领导者,跨越
法国people&baby是法国儿科护士Odile Broglin和其 不同文化和语言进行交流和合作。我们为世界各地的
丈夫Christophe Durieux于2004年创立的法国私立托 个人和企业提供培训,通过增加员工参与度,增强员
儿早教集团。people&kids是该集团在中国设立的子 工创新力,优化生产率,使得员工能更好的与客户交
公司,我们专为0-6岁儿童设计的优质保育设施,实 流----从而实现更大增长。
行了一套专为儿童健康、启智和充分发展而设计的培 Contact person: 戴志鹏
育计划。 Add: Room 705, 7th Floor, A Tower One Link
Contact person: François BAUMELOU International Centre No.230. Tianhe Road, Tianhe
Add: Room 802, 8/F, Leatop Plaza, 32 Zhujiang East District Guangzhou, China 510620
Road, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, 地址:广州市天河区天河路230号万菱国际中心A塔7
510623, P.R.C 楼705室
地址:广州市天河区珠江新城珠江东路32号利通广场 Tel: 13631351502
8层02单元 邮政编码:510623 E-mail:
Tel: +86 185 8861 4538 Website: