P. 27
ham South ChinaĆTricor Webinar
AmCham South China and Tricor co-hosted with an informative opening remark. Mr. Hailiang
a webinar on How to Protect the Financial Zhang, CEO, Tricor China gave his overview of the
Health for your Business on April 21. It evoked Business Environment. Mr. James Lin, CFO, Tricor
great interest in the audience on topics such China shared his in-depth suggestions on Cash Flow
as BCP and cash flow management. AmCham Management.
president Harley Seyedin kicked off the webinar
Breakthrough in Coronavirus Detection Webinar
AmCham invited Sir Heng Sokkung, Secretary remark on the importance of Coronavirus detection
of State of the Ministry of Industry, Science, and how to bring this technology into practical use.
Technology and Innovation of the Kingdom of Professor Zhang then elaborated on how his team
Cambodia to share how Cambodia fights against the used a large CT database and developed a CT based AI
virus. Sir Billy Chan of Macau University of Science system for diagnosing Coronavirus and differentiate
and Technology and Professor Kang Zhang discussed it from other viral pneumonia. The webinar caused a
Coronavirus detection breakthrough - AI technology. heated discussion among the audience and received a
AmCham president Harley Seyedin gave opening number of questions in the Q&A session.
AmCham South China and Tricor co-hosted with an informative opening remark. Mr. Hailiang
a webinar on How to Protect the Financial Zhang, CEO, Tricor China gave his overview of the
Health for your Business on April 21. It evoked Business Environment. Mr. James Lin, CFO, Tricor
great interest in the audience on topics such China shared his in-depth suggestions on Cash Flow
as BCP and cash flow management. AmCham Management.
president Harley Seyedin kicked off the webinar
Breakthrough in Coronavirus Detection Webinar
AmCham invited Sir Heng Sokkung, Secretary remark on the importance of Coronavirus detection
of State of the Ministry of Industry, Science, and how to bring this technology into practical use.
Technology and Innovation of the Kingdom of Professor Zhang then elaborated on how his team
Cambodia to share how Cambodia fights against the used a large CT database and developed a CT based AI
virus. Sir Billy Chan of Macau University of Science system for diagnosing Coronavirus and differentiate
and Technology and Professor Kang Zhang discussed it from other viral pneumonia. The webinar caused a
Coronavirus detection breakthrough - AI technology. heated discussion among the audience and received a
AmCham president Harley Seyedin gave opening number of questions in the Q&A session.