P. 34
AmCham Phase One Trade
Agreement Panel Discussion
On Jan. 21, AmCham South China The discussion was kicked off by informative welcome
organized a panel discussion remarks from Dr. Seyedin where he summed up the
on the Phase One Trade Agreement evolution of the bilateral trade relations between China
that was signed by Vice-Premier Liu and America. The welcome speech was followed by Prof.
He and President Donald Trump on Enright’s presentation on the China-U.S. trade conflicts
Jan. 15. The event was themed “Phase and the future that would be forged by the signing of
One Trade Agreement- a Close Look the agreement. Enright traced the timeline of the “trade
at Its Impact on Global Economy and war” through the tariff regulations that was repeated
RMB Internationalization.” AmCham imposed on various products from both countries. He
president Harley Seyedin; Prof. argued that “both sides are likely to dog in and progress
Michael Enright of the University of might be difficult over the next few months.” He further
Hong Kong; Martin Maciak, Head pointed out that despite some people’s complaint of
of Asia Origination, Global Banking, injustice on the side of China, the US government “has
HSBC; governors of AmCham not imposed tariffs on the largest categories of China’s
South China; Dr. Guan Xiuli, senior exports to US and has not renewed its ban in ZTE or
researcher from the NDRC and extended the ban to the point where it hurts China
various Consul Generals from General economy significantly.”■
Consulates in Guangzhou attended
the panel discussion.
31 AmCham South China
AmCham Phase One Trade
Agreement Panel Discussion
On Jan. 21, AmCham South China The discussion was kicked off by informative welcome
organized a panel discussion remarks from Dr. Seyedin where he summed up the
on the Phase One Trade Agreement evolution of the bilateral trade relations between China
that was signed by Vice-Premier Liu and America. The welcome speech was followed by Prof.
He and President Donald Trump on Enright’s presentation on the China-U.S. trade conflicts
Jan. 15. The event was themed “Phase and the future that would be forged by the signing of
One Trade Agreement- a Close Look the agreement. Enright traced the timeline of the “trade
at Its Impact on Global Economy and war” through the tariff regulations that was repeated
RMB Internationalization.” AmCham imposed on various products from both countries. He
president Harley Seyedin; Prof. argued that “both sides are likely to dog in and progress
Michael Enright of the University of might be difficult over the next few months.” He further
Hong Kong; Martin Maciak, Head pointed out that despite some people’s complaint of
of Asia Origination, Global Banking, injustice on the side of China, the US government “has
HSBC; governors of AmCham not imposed tariffs on the largest categories of China’s
South China; Dr. Guan Xiuli, senior exports to US and has not renewed its ban in ZTE or
researcher from the NDRC and extended the ban to the point where it hurts China
various Consul Generals from General economy significantly.”■
Consulates in Guangzhou attended
the panel discussion.
31 AmCham South China