P. 20
c. tODAY
Jon Huntsman Runs for
Utah Governor
Article by James Eric (Jay) Black
Chair, Mercer University Department of Journalism and Media Studies
Ambassador Jon Huntsman, who served as the U.S. Trade Representative). Beyond his political
U.S. Ambassador to China from 2009 – 2011, is credentials, Ambassador Huntsman is a great family
running for Utah Governor to serve that state for man, with seven children—both things which are
a third time. In November 2004, Huntsman was highly respected here in China. In other words, he is a
elected governor with 58% of the vote and in 2008 uniquely excellent fit for the role of America’s voice in
won re-election with 77.7% of the vote. Huntsman Beijing, and his character and achievements demand
also served President Trump as U.S. Ambassador equal respect in Washington and on the Mainland.”
to Russia from 2017-2019. “Ambassador Huntsman is a man of highest integrity,
a true statesman and great leader, and I am certain he
Ambassador Jon Huntsman was voted “2011 will again serve the great State of Utah with the same
Person of the Year” by the American Chamber level of care, love and devotion that he has served our
of Commerce in South China. The Award was country in the past” Seyedin said in a recent interview.
presented to Ambassador Huntsman during a
formal luncheon packed to capacity by hundreds During his time in China, Ambassador Huntsman
of Chamber members. In presenting the award to achieved a new level of mutual appreciation between
Ambassador Huntsman, AmCham South China U.S. and the P.R.C. while successfully driving closer
President Harley Seyedin said “like his tailoring, economic cooperation which led to a 21 percent
U.S. Ambassador to the P.R.C. Jon Huntsman Jr.’s year-on-year rise in U.S. exports to China and a total
political career is impressive: in addition to being volume in excess of 91.9 billion dollars—double the
elected Governor of Utah twice, the Ambassador historical average. In 2010, C. Fred Bergsten, Director
served Presidents Bush Sr. and Jr. (first as of the Peterson Institute for International Economics
Ambassador to Singapore and later as Deputy writing in the Washington Post argued that “Every
17 AmCham South China
Jon Huntsman Runs for
Utah Governor
Article by James Eric (Jay) Black
Chair, Mercer University Department of Journalism and Media Studies
Ambassador Jon Huntsman, who served as the U.S. Trade Representative). Beyond his political
U.S. Ambassador to China from 2009 – 2011, is credentials, Ambassador Huntsman is a great family
running for Utah Governor to serve that state for man, with seven children—both things which are
a third time. In November 2004, Huntsman was highly respected here in China. In other words, he is a
elected governor with 58% of the vote and in 2008 uniquely excellent fit for the role of America’s voice in
won re-election with 77.7% of the vote. Huntsman Beijing, and his character and achievements demand
also served President Trump as U.S. Ambassador equal respect in Washington and on the Mainland.”
to Russia from 2017-2019. “Ambassador Huntsman is a man of highest integrity,
a true statesman and great leader, and I am certain he
Ambassador Jon Huntsman was voted “2011 will again serve the great State of Utah with the same
Person of the Year” by the American Chamber level of care, love and devotion that he has served our
of Commerce in South China. The Award was country in the past” Seyedin said in a recent interview.
presented to Ambassador Huntsman during a
formal luncheon packed to capacity by hundreds During his time in China, Ambassador Huntsman
of Chamber members. In presenting the award to achieved a new level of mutual appreciation between
Ambassador Huntsman, AmCham South China U.S. and the P.R.C. while successfully driving closer
President Harley Seyedin said “like his tailoring, economic cooperation which led to a 21 percent
U.S. Ambassador to the P.R.C. Jon Huntsman Jr.’s year-on-year rise in U.S. exports to China and a total
political career is impressive: in addition to being volume in excess of 91.9 billion dollars—double the
elected Governor of Utah twice, the Ambassador historical average. In 2010, C. Fred Bergsten, Director
served Presidents Bush Sr. and Jr. (first as of the Peterson Institute for International Economics
Ambassador to Singapore and later as Deputy writing in the Washington Post argued that “Every
17 AmCham South China