P. 22
Congrats, HR Best
Practice Award Winners!
The HR Best Practice Award is executive president of AmCham’s CHRMA. While
awarded to companies that Liza demonstrated the importance of HR practices
demonstrates the importance within an organization and briefly discussed the
and positive impact HR practices future direction of HR best practices award with the
can have within an organization. audience, Harley expressed his gratitude to Liza and
With emphasis on innovation Ms. Vicky Wong, founding president of AmCham’s
in HR practices amid the fast CHRMA for their huge contribution to the growth
pace of changes in business, of the HR committee. “I believe with the wrap up of
AmCham’s CHRMA HR Best the first-phrase (US-China) trade deal, our HRs will
Practice Innovation Pioneer Award become busier next year as the new deal will possibly
Ceremony was held on December 3, boost our business and encourage more bilateral
2019 at The Westin Guangzhou. investments,” Harley also shared his opinions on the
current US-China trade dispute in his speech.
The event kicked off with
welcome speeches by Dr. Harley With a full house of HR professionals, the
Seyedin, president of AmCham seminar room buzzed with excitement as this
South China, and Ms. Liza Cheung, year’s award winners were announced. While
19 AmCham South China
Congrats, HR Best
Practice Award Winners!
The HR Best Practice Award is executive president of AmCham’s CHRMA. While
awarded to companies that Liza demonstrated the importance of HR practices
demonstrates the importance within an organization and briefly discussed the
and positive impact HR practices future direction of HR best practices award with the
can have within an organization. audience, Harley expressed his gratitude to Liza and
With emphasis on innovation Ms. Vicky Wong, founding president of AmCham’s
in HR practices amid the fast CHRMA for their huge contribution to the growth
pace of changes in business, of the HR committee. “I believe with the wrap up of
AmCham’s CHRMA HR Best the first-phrase (US-China) trade deal, our HRs will
Practice Innovation Pioneer Award become busier next year as the new deal will possibly
Ceremony was held on December 3, boost our business and encourage more bilateral
2019 at The Westin Guangzhou. investments,” Harley also shared his opinions on the
current US-China trade dispute in his speech.
The event kicked off with
welcome speeches by Dr. Harley With a full house of HR professionals, the
Seyedin, president of AmCham seminar room buzzed with excitement as this
South China, and Ms. Liza Cheung, year’s award winners were announced. While
19 AmCham South China