P. 14
c. tODAY
Lead to
Small Business
Growth in Iowa
Article by Zachary Friend,
Strategic Communications,
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
This fall all eyes are on Congress But, how will USMCA impact Iowa specifically?
in hopes that it will pass the
U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement Iowans could see enormous economic gains from
(USMCA). The passage of the passage of USMCA as several sectors of the state
USMCA is integral to the U.S. economy depend on trade with Canada and Mexico.
economy. Why? Because Canada and For example, Iowa’s agriculture and manufacturing
Mexico now constitute the nations’ markets stand to benefit significantly from removed
two largest export markets, as well barriers to commerce included in the new trade
as two of its’ top three aggregate deal. Last year, Iowa exported $4.2 billion worth
trading partners. In 2018, trade with of goods to Canada alone – which, represents 30%
the two countries reached nearly $1.4 of the state’s total goods exports – and nearly $2.3
trillion, and this economic activity billion worth of goods to Mexico, according to the
supports an estimated 12 million U.S. Trade Representative.
American jobs.
11 AmCham South China
Lead to
Small Business
Growth in Iowa
Article by Zachary Friend,
Strategic Communications,
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
This fall all eyes are on Congress But, how will USMCA impact Iowa specifically?
in hopes that it will pass the
U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement Iowans could see enormous economic gains from
(USMCA). The passage of the passage of USMCA as several sectors of the state
USMCA is integral to the U.S. economy depend on trade with Canada and Mexico.
economy. Why? Because Canada and For example, Iowa’s agriculture and manufacturing
Mexico now constitute the nations’ markets stand to benefit significantly from removed
two largest export markets, as well barriers to commerce included in the new trade
as two of its’ top three aggregate deal. Last year, Iowa exported $4.2 billion worth
trading partners. In 2018, trade with of goods to Canada alone – which, represents 30%
the two countries reached nearly $1.4 of the state’s total goods exports – and nearly $2.3
trillion, and this economic activity billion worth of goods to Mexico, according to the
supports an estimated 12 million U.S. Trade Representative.
American jobs.
11 AmCham South China