P. 13
1. President Donald J. of the Teton Mountains from
Trump greets the Chinese the Snake River Overlook in
Vice Premier Liu He in the Oval Moose, WY.
Office of the White House.
5. Howdy, Modi!
2. President Donald J. President Donald J.
Trump participates Trump holds hands with Prime
in a joint news conference Minister Narendra Modi of
with Italian President Sergio India as they take a surprise
Mattarella in the East Room of walk together Sunday, Sept. 22,
the White House. 2019, around the NRG Stadium
in Houston, Texas.
3. The Washington
Monument is seen 6. President Donald J.
as First Lady Melania Trump Trump addresses his
departs the Monument’s remarks at the 74th session of
re-opening ceremony in the United Nations General
Washington, D.C. Assembly at the United Nations
Headquarters in New York City.
4. First Lady Melania
Trump enjoys the view *All images from the White House
South China Business Journal 10
1. President Donald J. of the Teton Mountains from
Trump greets the Chinese the Snake River Overlook in
Vice Premier Liu He in the Oval Moose, WY.
Office of the White House.
5. Howdy, Modi!
2. President Donald J. President Donald J.
Trump participates Trump holds hands with Prime
in a joint news conference Minister Narendra Modi of
with Italian President Sergio India as they take a surprise
Mattarella in the East Room of walk together Sunday, Sept. 22,
the White House. 2019, around the NRG Stadium
in Houston, Texas.
3. The Washington
Monument is seen 6. President Donald J.
as First Lady Melania Trump Trump addresses his
departs the Monument’s remarks at the 74th session of
re-opening ceremony in the United Nations General
Washington, D.C. Assembly at the United Nations
Headquarters in New York City.
4. First Lady Melania
Trump enjoys the view *All images from the White House
South China Business Journal 10