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1Th2e6th industry is relatively competitive with high level of market
orientation and low market concentration, electronic bicycle
Canton manufacturers have gradually developed when it comes
Fair to scaling, profitability, competitiveness, and influence,
creating a market vibrant with segments. The 126th Canton
As the China Import and Export Fair will include two electric bicycle zones showcasing
Fair (“Canton Fair”) prepares for bicycles, accessories, and supplies. Brand exhibitors will
its 126th session in October, China’s consist of the scooter startup Ninebot Inc., creator of the
General Administration of Customs Ninebot, Windrunner, and Ninebot One series.
(GAC) has released figures from the first
half of 2019 that showcase robust trade Moreover, as the consumer market for electricity, cars,
activity, reflecting the stable state of and household appliances grows, Chinese manufacturing
the national economy and transaction continues to innovate, raising the number and quality of
trends across the same period. exported goods. The 126th Canton Fair will feature motor
equipment and electric equipment zones that cover electric
While the total value of China’s foreign motors, electrical machinery, diesel engines, generators,
trade increased by 3.9% to reach RMB transmission equipment, and more, with a particular
14.67 trillion in the first half of 2019, focus on high-efficiency and high-output products. Brand
exports increased by 6.1% to hit RMB exhibitors will include Fujian Yanan Power Group.
7.95 trillion. Exports of high-tech and
high value-added products led the Solar products are also rapidly diversifying, as integrated
way, most notably thanks to a 91.9% and energy storage products have brought the industry to
increase in electric vehicle exports, new heights. The 126th Canton Fair’s new energy section will
a 57.1% increase in solar cell exports, feature mostly solar photovoltaic products, as well as some
and a nearly two-fold increase in wind solar thermal, wind energy, other new energy, and energy
turbine exports. These three categories storage products.
of products will also be featured
prominently at the 126th Canton Fair. With the Intelligent Manufacturing in China initiative
expands on the international stage, more Chinese
“Although China’s economic manufacturers are showcasing the open philosophy
growth is facing certain difficulties encapsulated by their products. Chinese brands are set to
and challenges, the country’s overall unveil even more innovative products at the 126th Canton
economic outlook is stable, and long- Fair. To take part, follow the link below to sign-up: http://
term trends have not changed,” said■
Li Kuiwen, GAC spokesperson and
director of the GAC Department of
Statistical Analysis. “China’s resilience,
potential, and fundamentals remain as
strong as ever.”

As environmentalism surges
around the world, China has seen its
export of electric bicycles skyrocket
as global consumers seek greener
forms of transportation. While the

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