P. 22
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Government of the People’s Republic of China as the vitality exists in both countries. The ambassador
sole legal government of China, and declared it would called on people to take heed of Carter’s example
withdraw diplomatic recognition from Taiwan. and continue the “good and important” work of
building even stronger and more stable relations
Despite many difficulties along the way, US–China between China and the US.
relations generally improved as the two countries
made progress on economic and security issues. Mary Ann Peters, CEO of the Carter Center, said
Deng’s 1979 trip was extremely successful as he the US China relationship today goes well beyond
charismatically wooed Congress, the media, and the government relationships. “Chinese and American
American people. Journalists depicted the Chinese people interact with each other more than ever
leader as personable, famously photographing him before and through travel, business and education,
at a rodeo wearing a ten-gallon hat. By January to name a few,” she said. “These relationships help
1980, the US and China concluded agreements to anchor the official relationship, and we hope
on various topics including consular relations, they will help to weather current tensions.”
academic exchanges, and cooperation in the fields
of space technology, high-energy physics, and Cui Tiankai, Chinese Ambassador to the US
science and technology policy.
Noting that Carter participated in and witnessed
the establishment of Sino-US relations, Chinese
Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said
that China appreciates his efforts for developing
bilateral relations.
Congratulating Carter on his “much deserved
honor”, Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui
Tiankai said the China-US friendship transcends
partisanship, and a strong, stable consensus for its
19 AmCham South China
Government of the People’s Republic of China as the vitality exists in both countries. The ambassador
sole legal government of China, and declared it would called on people to take heed of Carter’s example
withdraw diplomatic recognition from Taiwan. and continue the “good and important” work of
building even stronger and more stable relations
Despite many difficulties along the way, US–China between China and the US.
relations generally improved as the two countries
made progress on economic and security issues. Mary Ann Peters, CEO of the Carter Center, said
Deng’s 1979 trip was extremely successful as he the US China relationship today goes well beyond
charismatically wooed Congress, the media, and the government relationships. “Chinese and American
American people. Journalists depicted the Chinese people interact with each other more than ever
leader as personable, famously photographing him before and through travel, business and education,
at a rodeo wearing a ten-gallon hat. By January to name a few,” she said. “These relationships help
1980, the US and China concluded agreements to anchor the official relationship, and we hope
on various topics including consular relations, they will help to weather current tensions.”
academic exchanges, and cooperation in the fields
of space technology, high-energy physics, and Cui Tiankai, Chinese Ambassador to the US
science and technology policy.
Noting that Carter participated in and witnessed
the establishment of Sino-US relations, Chinese
Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said
that China appreciates his efforts for developing
bilateral relations.
Congratulating Carter on his “much deserved
honor”, Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui
Tiankai said the China-US friendship transcends
partisanship, and a strong, stable consensus for its
19 AmCham South China