P. 18
c. tODAY

How the U.S. Chamber is




In an article published on April 25, writes, “launching a $250 million “So what we’re doing – and
The Washington Post detailed the capital campaign to remodel its this is critical – is adjusting and
U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s recent headquarters and even rethinking its responding to the new politics.
evolution and growth, as well as the approach to regulation." We're adjusting and responding
way we are “navigating dramatic to the new Congress and the way
cultural change that’s transforming Key excerpts from the piece are below. the administration operates. The
the worlds of politics and business.” people that win in sports and in
politics and in business are the
U.S. Chamber CEO Tom Donohue On the U.S. people that are not so focused on
and President Suzanne Clark sat down Chamber’s one approach but are ready to
with The Post to discuss the U.S. bipartisan adjust,” Donohue said.
Chamber’s commitment to rebuild engagement
the political center, our efforts to work & rebuilding During sit-downs with
with both Democratic and Republican the political Democratic members, Chamber
lawmakers, and its continued center… leaders are explaining how they
leadership in Washington. will change the scorecard this
year to incentivize Democrats to
“The largest and most powerful work with them. The Chamber
corporate lobbying group in has historically relied solely on
Washington is changing the way it a handful of key votes, but the
evaluates lawmakers for the first time polarization of Congress and
in 40 years,” reporter James Hohmann the rise of party-line voting has

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