P. 16

Interview with
Dr. Kate Gaynor

General Manager,
United Family Guangzhou

In this month's issue, we have the pleasure to feature an exclusive dialogue with the
Co-Chair of our Medical Committee, General Manager of United Family Guangzhou
Dr. Kate Gaynor. Dr. Kate Gaynor is a board-certified Family Medicine physician.
She received her Bachelor of Arts from Yale University with a major in Anthropology
and attended Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons for her
medical degree. Dr. Gaynor completed residency in Family Medicine at the University
of Washington in 2004.

1. Last year, United Family 2. At the early stage of United
Guangzhou was updated Family Hospital in China,
from a two-storied clinic to the 99% of the patients were foreigners.
largest United Family hospital Nowadays, more than 70% of your
in China with an area of over patients are Chinese. What’s your
65,000 square meters. As General observation of that?
Manager of this fine facility, would
you share with our readers the story Even in the early days of the first hospital in
behind your grand expansion? Beijing in 1997, we started to attract interest from
Chinese patients, not just foreigners. Each year the
We have been planning this facility since before I percentage of local Chinese patients grows. Some
arrived in Guangzhou in 2011, so it is quite exciting Chinese patients like United Family because they
to actually open our doors. The neighborhood is full have spent time abroad and our style feels familiar.
of new construction, including new headquarters Others are looking for something different from
for many large companies such as China Mobile, the very busy environment of the public hospital.
Fosun Pharmaceuticals and Tencent. The hospital Chinese customers appreciate our service standards,
is located on the Pazhou side of the Pearl River, just such as having a set appointment time and having
across the Liede Bridge from Zhujiang New Town, privacy while seeing the doctor.
right between Canton Tower and the Exhibition
Center. Our building is brand new, so I was able to I do think it is important to note however, that
participate in all aspects of the design from deciding we don’t just take a Western hospital model and
where to locate functions within the building to copy everything in China. We try to combine the
selecting the finishes. We have also expanded our best elements of foreign evidence-based practice
staff and services significantly. standards and service with respect for Chinese
values, preferences and traditions. Everyone should
always feel comfortable here.

13 AmCham South China
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