P. 15
C over Story
MOFCOM, NDRC, Washington and Asia campaign, finance chairman for John McCain,
Pacific—plan to present on the trending topics and co-chairman of the Republican National
like US-China trade, China’s Foreign Investment Committee’s Team 100.
Law, and the Greater Bay Area. Guest speakers
include Neil Bush. Bush is an international Professor Manson Fok, world recognized
businessman who serves as chairman of the surgeon, entrepreneur and philanthropist;
Points of Light board of directors, the Barbara founding Dean of the Faculty of Medicine,
Bush Houston Literacy Foundation. He also Macau University of Science and Technology, is
serves on the advisory boards of the Bush School also scheduled to speak.
of Government and Public Service at Texas
A&M, the Houston Salvation Army and the Asia Martin Maciak leads Renminbi (‘RMB’)
Society Texas Center. initiatives in the Americas for Global Banking
and formal Capital Financing at HSBC Securities
Brian David Schweitzer served as the 23rd (USA) Inc., a subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc,
Governor of Montana. Schweitzer also served one of the world’s largest banking and financial
for a time as chair of the Western Governors services organizations.
Association, the Democratic Governors
Association. He also served as President of the Special Advisor for the President George H.
Council of State Governments. W. Bush China-U.S. Relations Foundation, 2017
Oslo Business for Peace Award winner, awarded
Dr. Du Qirui engaged in policy research in the by the Award Committee of Nobel Laureates
field of foreign trade and economics since 2008. in Peace and Economics, and AmCham South
He has published more than 10 research results China President Harley Seyedin, who will also be
in renowned journals in the field of foreign trade one of the expert speakers, expects this Summit
and economics. In recent years, he has led and to lead to several billion dollars of new business
participated in many major studies from the and cross investments between attending
Chinese Ministry of Commerce. American companies and institutions and their
Chinese and Asia Pacific counterparts.
Called “one of the world’s reigning strategy
gurus” by the Academy of International Additional speakers are being booked at
Business, Michael Enright is a world leading the time of this writing. In addition, senior
expert on competitiveness, national and regional executives of more than 100 of the largest
economic development, and international Chinese companies will participate in
business strategy. Enright has directed major scheduled events throughout the Summit.
reviews of the competitiveness of more than
20 economies on five continents and has co- The Summit will end with the annual AmCham
authored or co-edited fifteen books, including Spring Ball, one of the most glamorous annual
China Into the Future: Making Sense of the brand events in Guangzhou and the Pearl
World’s Most Dynamic Economy. River Delta region for the past ten years. Every
year, over 500 well-dressed guests dance the
The Honorable Tom Loeffler, the former night away. This year’s AmCham South China
US Congressman from Texas, is another Spring Ball is inspired by the movie musical The
confirmed speaker. Laoeffler was the national Greatest Showman. Attendees should expect a
chairman for Gov. Jon Huntsman’s presidential real show stopping blockbuster of a gala.■
South China Business Journal 12
MOFCOM, NDRC, Washington and Asia campaign, finance chairman for John McCain,
Pacific—plan to present on the trending topics and co-chairman of the Republican National
like US-China trade, China’s Foreign Investment Committee’s Team 100.
Law, and the Greater Bay Area. Guest speakers
include Neil Bush. Bush is an international Professor Manson Fok, world recognized
businessman who serves as chairman of the surgeon, entrepreneur and philanthropist;
Points of Light board of directors, the Barbara founding Dean of the Faculty of Medicine,
Bush Houston Literacy Foundation. He also Macau University of Science and Technology, is
serves on the advisory boards of the Bush School also scheduled to speak.
of Government and Public Service at Texas
A&M, the Houston Salvation Army and the Asia Martin Maciak leads Renminbi (‘RMB’)
Society Texas Center. initiatives in the Americas for Global Banking
and formal Capital Financing at HSBC Securities
Brian David Schweitzer served as the 23rd (USA) Inc., a subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc,
Governor of Montana. Schweitzer also served one of the world’s largest banking and financial
for a time as chair of the Western Governors services organizations.
Association, the Democratic Governors
Association. He also served as President of the Special Advisor for the President George H.
Council of State Governments. W. Bush China-U.S. Relations Foundation, 2017
Oslo Business for Peace Award winner, awarded
Dr. Du Qirui engaged in policy research in the by the Award Committee of Nobel Laureates
field of foreign trade and economics since 2008. in Peace and Economics, and AmCham South
He has published more than 10 research results China President Harley Seyedin, who will also be
in renowned journals in the field of foreign trade one of the expert speakers, expects this Summit
and economics. In recent years, he has led and to lead to several billion dollars of new business
participated in many major studies from the and cross investments between attending
Chinese Ministry of Commerce. American companies and institutions and their
Chinese and Asia Pacific counterparts.
Called “one of the world’s reigning strategy
gurus” by the Academy of International Additional speakers are being booked at
Business, Michael Enright is a world leading the time of this writing. In addition, senior
expert on competitiveness, national and regional executives of more than 100 of the largest
economic development, and international Chinese companies will participate in
business strategy. Enright has directed major scheduled events throughout the Summit.
reviews of the competitiveness of more than
20 economies on five continents and has co- The Summit will end with the annual AmCham
authored or co-edited fifteen books, including Spring Ball, one of the most glamorous annual
China Into the Future: Making Sense of the brand events in Guangzhou and the Pearl
World’s Most Dynamic Economy. River Delta region for the past ten years. Every
year, over 500 well-dressed guests dance the
The Honorable Tom Loeffler, the former night away. This year’s AmCham South China
US Congressman from Texas, is another Spring Ball is inspired by the movie musical The
confirmed speaker. Laoeffler was the national Greatest Showman. Attendees should expect a
chairman for Gov. Jon Huntsman’s presidential real show stopping blockbuster of a gala.■
South China Business Journal 12