P. 20
mmunity News

Meeting with SIPC Barry Zhang (R1) met with Chamber President Dr.
Harley Seyedin (L1), and Governor and IPR Committee
Things were back on track fast right after the Chair Dr. David Buxbaum (R2) in our office.
Chinese New Year holiday. On Feb 12, China
(South) Intellectual Property Center (SIPC)
Chairman Huang Weijia (L2) and Vice President

VoifsiUtnbivyeRrosbiteyrotfSmMiatrhylBaunsdiness School Meeting with JETRO

The Chamber’s first guests in 2019 was a delegation Director General of Japan External Trade
from the Robert Smith Business School of the Organization (JETRO) Kenji Shimizu and
University of Maryland on Jan 4. Chamber President Dr. his team met with Chamber President Dr. Harley
Harley Seyedin, together with Governor Joe Rocha III, Seyedin. The meeting was focused on some of the
presented on the business environment in China and interesting findings of our report on trade tariffs
gave some insights of the US-China trade relations. published in October last year.

17 AmCham South China
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