P. 42
on international best practices in creating an to citizens by telephone or the web linking to a
economically sustainable waste management, wide range of social and community resources.
monitoring and reporting system. Also worth
noting is the breadth and depth of community Social inclusion in Santa Ana, Costa Rica
engagement striving towards the program
becoming a social movement. For instance, is demonstrated by the empowerment of the local
residents of this 3.3 million population city can population of 57,000. The first stage of the initiative
pay for a bus ride with 5 used 600-mililiter plastic focuses on ways to encourage women, in particular
bottles (or 3 1.5-liter ones or 10 plastic cups). those within vulnerable communities, to use the
bicycle as a means for personal and economic
Wuhan (China)One of ’s waste challenges is development. The program has a commendable
educational program that not only links mobility to
dealt by transforming one of the largest landfills personal development, but also demonstrates ways
that women can turn the bicycle into an accessible
in Asia into a most charming recreational park and dignified mode of daily transportation. Many
countries and communities could benefit from this
and ecological garden. The scale of this initiative approach to women’s mobility and inclusion.
is unprecedented in China: this is the largest Mezitli (Turkey), a rapidly growing city
application of anerobic technology for landfill of just over 187,000 inhabitants in Turkey is
also working to empower its female population.
remediation and the biggest ecological bridge Traditionally, women in the region have tended
to be economically dependent on male relatives
in the country. The initiative has created a and husbands. To reverse this situation, a women-
only market was established. The market is free,
50.5 km long ecological belt for its 10 million which makes entry easy for women who sell a
wide range of products including farm produce
plus inhabitants, covering an area of over 170 from neighboring rural areas as well as traditional
handicrafts. It has also become a gathering place
sq. km and improving the living conditions of for women from different ethnic, educational and
socio-economic backgrounds, offering lessons
400,000 residents living in previously adjacent on production and marketing practice as well as
informing them of their rights and encouraging
communities rendered undesirable because them to participate in public life.
of pollution. It also uses an innovative way of Gender is but one of the themes incorporated in
crowd sourcing in raising funds in addition to the New York City (USA)’s voluntary local review
traditional way of funding the project. (VLR) to the United Nations on local progress in
achieving the Global Goals. By doing so, New York,
Another shortlisted Chinese city, Yiwu with its 9 million plus inhabitants, has become
the first city in the world to report directly to the
(population 2.2 million), places emphasis on UN regarding the local implementation of the
creating a friendly environment for both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The
foreign and domestic communities. This initiative VLR meshed the SDGs with OneNYC – the city’s
includes the development of several first-in- sustainable development strategy. By tapping
China initiatives. These include: (i) mediation of into existing efforts, the VLR is sending a strong
foreign-related business disputes by foreigners message to all local authorities: there is no need
for foreigners; (ii) a one-stop service for all to reinvent the wheel to start implementing the
international trade examination and approval Global Goals – work with what you already have
transactions; (iii) an international family program and fill in the gaps!
to strengthen communication and community
building between local and foreign residents; (iv) Milan (Italy)’s initiative also requires cross-
the issuance of a foreign merchant card to help
foreigners gain the same to access public services departmental collaboration, aside from cooperation
that are provided to local Chinese, among others. with social organizations, and the private sector.
The Canadian city of Repentigny is
also working to promote inclusion in the city.
The initiative contains 3 projects that takes all
of its 84,000 inhabitants into consideration. The
“Citizens and Families” project connects inhabitants
and municipal staff with information quickly and
effectively, a key characteristic of a “smart city”. The
“Youth” project focuses on a multimedia lab housed
in the city’s library, providing access to digital
technologies focusing on creativity and expression.
The “Vulnerable People” project provides assistance
on international best practices in creating an to citizens by telephone or the web linking to a
economically sustainable waste management, wide range of social and community resources.
monitoring and reporting system. Also worth
noting is the breadth and depth of community Social inclusion in Santa Ana, Costa Rica
engagement striving towards the program
becoming a social movement. For instance, is demonstrated by the empowerment of the local
residents of this 3.3 million population city can population of 57,000. The first stage of the initiative
pay for a bus ride with 5 used 600-mililiter plastic focuses on ways to encourage women, in particular
bottles (or 3 1.5-liter ones or 10 plastic cups). those within vulnerable communities, to use the
bicycle as a means for personal and economic
Wuhan (China)One of ’s waste challenges is development. The program has a commendable
educational program that not only links mobility to
dealt by transforming one of the largest landfills personal development, but also demonstrates ways
that women can turn the bicycle into an accessible
in Asia into a most charming recreational park and dignified mode of daily transportation. Many
countries and communities could benefit from this
and ecological garden. The scale of this initiative approach to women’s mobility and inclusion.
is unprecedented in China: this is the largest Mezitli (Turkey), a rapidly growing city
application of anerobic technology for landfill of just over 187,000 inhabitants in Turkey is
also working to empower its female population.
remediation and the biggest ecological bridge Traditionally, women in the region have tended
to be economically dependent on male relatives
in the country. The initiative has created a and husbands. To reverse this situation, a women-
only market was established. The market is free,
50.5 km long ecological belt for its 10 million which makes entry easy for women who sell a
wide range of products including farm produce
plus inhabitants, covering an area of over 170 from neighboring rural areas as well as traditional
handicrafts. It has also become a gathering place
sq. km and improving the living conditions of for women from different ethnic, educational and
socio-economic backgrounds, offering lessons
400,000 residents living in previously adjacent on production and marketing practice as well as
informing them of their rights and encouraging
communities rendered undesirable because them to participate in public life.
of pollution. It also uses an innovative way of Gender is but one of the themes incorporated in
crowd sourcing in raising funds in addition to the New York City (USA)’s voluntary local review
traditional way of funding the project. (VLR) to the United Nations on local progress in
achieving the Global Goals. By doing so, New York,
Another shortlisted Chinese city, Yiwu with its 9 million plus inhabitants, has become
the first city in the world to report directly to the
(population 2.2 million), places emphasis on UN regarding the local implementation of the
creating a friendly environment for both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The
foreign and domestic communities. This initiative VLR meshed the SDGs with OneNYC – the city’s
includes the development of several first-in- sustainable development strategy. By tapping
China initiatives. These include: (i) mediation of into existing efforts, the VLR is sending a strong
foreign-related business disputes by foreigners message to all local authorities: there is no need
for foreigners; (ii) a one-stop service for all to reinvent the wheel to start implementing the
international trade examination and approval Global Goals – work with what you already have
transactions; (iii) an international family program and fill in the gaps!
to strengthen communication and community
building between local and foreign residents; (iv) Milan (Italy)’s initiative also requires cross-
the issuance of a foreign merchant card to help
foreigners gain the same to access public services departmental collaboration, aside from cooperation
that are provided to local Chinese, among others. with social organizations, and the private sector.
The Canadian city of Repentigny is
also working to promote inclusion in the city.
The initiative contains 3 projects that takes all
of its 84,000 inhabitants into consideration. The
“Citizens and Families” project connects inhabitants
and municipal staff with information quickly and
effectively, a key characteristic of a “smart city”. The
“Youth” project focuses on a multimedia lab housed
in the city’s library, providing access to digital
technologies focusing on creativity and expression.
The “Vulnerable People” project provides assistance