P. 40

WWhhaatt ssoorrtt ooff ffuuttuurree
iiss tthhee gglloobbaall uurrbbaann
ccoommmmuunniittyy eemmbbrraacciinngg??

Article from Guangzhou Award Secretariat

313 submissions from 213 cities and sample of all of the submissions,
local governments of 70 countries they represent nonetheless a
and regions. These are the snapshot of what some of the
numbers of the 2018 Guangzhou International world’s largest metropolitan areas as
Award for Urban Innovation (4th cycle), a well as smaller urban communities
knowledge platform that identifies, documents, and are doing to meet current and
disseminates innovative urban actions in support of future challenges. Interested readers
city-to-city learning and cooperation. A Technical are welcomed to join in what
Committee of experts from all regions of the world promises to be a unique conference!
and representing different disciplines met from
8-12 September in Surabaya, Indonesia. Their task The South African city of eThekwini
was to whittle these hundreds of initiatives down
to 15 during a very intensive evaluation process. (3.9 million inhabitants) is working to ensure its
Key considerations in the selection process include citizens’ right to adequate housing and access to
social, economic, environmental, technological, and basic services such as sanitation. The informal-
governance aspects of sustainability; innovation settlement upgrading program is a solution
within the local context, and what other cities and incorporating social and economic opportunities
regions can learn and benefit from. that transform settlements into truly livable and
sustainable neighborhoods, which will benefit
All 15 cities will be invited to an international 70,000 households within 6 years. This partnership
learning conference to share their experiences program with the private sector to achieving
with one another and hundreds of delegates sanitation solutions is a vibrant approach that is
attending a Global Mayors’ Forum in Guangzhou exploring often neglected critical parts of sanitation
in early December. An independent international value chain in Africa.
Jury, members of which will be embedded in the
audience of the conference, will make their final This sort of partnership applies to a number of
choice of five award winning cities after all 15 cities the shortlisted initiatives, in particular, Utrecht’s
have had a chance to explain how other cities in the ambition to become a “Global Goals City”. In order
world can benefit from their respectful experiences. to implement the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), this Dutch city of 345,000 inhabitants has
A brief summary is provided in the following developed an all-encompassing framework for
paragraphs of each of the 15 shortlisted cities and sustained action and the health of its inhabitants, a
their outstanding initiatives. While this is a small prosperous future and effective urban management.

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