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P. 43
sey. As copies of the Declaration of harbor were decked in the nation's
Independence spread throughout the colors, cannons rained 13-gun
newly minted country, the document salutes in honor of each state, and
would be read at town meetings and parades and fireworks spiced up
religious services. In response, Americans the festivities. Thus, July 4 has
celebrated their independence with become the day that represents
rousing public libation, bonfires, musket the birth of the United States of
fire, and bells. Soon followed the removal America and the independence
of English emblems. Baltimore, for from British rule.
example, was illuminated on July 29 with
its first reading, and "the Effigy of our Adams said he hoped the anniversary
late King was carted through the town of independence would be marked for
and committed to the flames amidst the years to come by “guns” and “bonfires”
acclamations of many hundreds. The just and “illuminations.” Because the first
reward of a Tyrant." Independence Day celebrations happened
in the middle of the Revolutionary
Most of the new states had received War, some historians believe they
a copy of the Declaration by early were supposed to be a morale booster,
August. By most accounts, it was a especially for the troops. Firearms were
rousing success in the former colonies mostly phased out of the merriment
and an inspiration to the troops. It after the war, eventually replaced almost
was about this time that all of the 56 entirely by the fireworks by 1816 when
representatives of the 13 self-styled Americans began producing their own
states signed the fancy handwritten pyrotechnics and no longer relied on
copy displayed at the National Archives expensive imports.
in Washington D.C.. The date on this
document was based on the Dunlap Today, July 4 is a time of concerts,
Broadsides, the original printed copies carnivals and baseball. Apple pies are
of the Declaration. To put other holidays warmed up in the oven just enough to
into prospective, Americans celebrate partially melt a scoop of ice cream. It’s
Constitution Day on September 17 a time for families to argue over whose
every year, the anniversary of the date macaroni and potato salads are best and
the Constitution was signed, not the whether hotdogs are better burnt or
anniversary of the date it was approved. cooked until pleasantly brownish. It’s
If we’d followed the same approach about saluting the American flag and
for the Declaration of Independence, placing small flags on the graves of our
Americans would fire up their grills fallen soldiers. Perhaps more than any
on August 2nd of each year… and John other holiday, this is the day we celebrate
Adams would still be wrong. ourselves and who we are as a nation of
individuals with freedom and choice.
The American Revolution
would not end until 1783. No one Then in the early evening when the
in Congress had much time to sun is setting and the day is almost over,
think about commemorating the it’s all about finding the perfect spot to
adoption of the Declaration of place your blanket that is close enough
Independence until July 3, 1777. to marvel at the spectacular view of the
So the first organized elaborate hometown fireworks display, yet far
celebration of independence was enough away from the little children who
thrown together the following may drown out the booming fireworks
day in Philadelphia. Ships in the most of us have learned to love.■
South China Business Journal 41
Independence spread throughout the colors, cannons rained 13-gun
newly minted country, the document salutes in honor of each state, and
would be read at town meetings and parades and fireworks spiced up
religious services. In response, Americans the festivities. Thus, July 4 has
celebrated their independence with become the day that represents
rousing public libation, bonfires, musket the birth of the United States of
fire, and bells. Soon followed the removal America and the independence
of English emblems. Baltimore, for from British rule.
example, was illuminated on July 29 with
its first reading, and "the Effigy of our Adams said he hoped the anniversary
late King was carted through the town of independence would be marked for
and committed to the flames amidst the years to come by “guns” and “bonfires”
acclamations of many hundreds. The just and “illuminations.” Because the first
reward of a Tyrant." Independence Day celebrations happened
in the middle of the Revolutionary
Most of the new states had received War, some historians believe they
a copy of the Declaration by early were supposed to be a morale booster,
August. By most accounts, it was a especially for the troops. Firearms were
rousing success in the former colonies mostly phased out of the merriment
and an inspiration to the troops. It after the war, eventually replaced almost
was about this time that all of the 56 entirely by the fireworks by 1816 when
representatives of the 13 self-styled Americans began producing their own
states signed the fancy handwritten pyrotechnics and no longer relied on
copy displayed at the National Archives expensive imports.
in Washington D.C.. The date on this
document was based on the Dunlap Today, July 4 is a time of concerts,
Broadsides, the original printed copies carnivals and baseball. Apple pies are
of the Declaration. To put other holidays warmed up in the oven just enough to
into prospective, Americans celebrate partially melt a scoop of ice cream. It’s
Constitution Day on September 17 a time for families to argue over whose
every year, the anniversary of the date macaroni and potato salads are best and
the Constitution was signed, not the whether hotdogs are better burnt or
anniversary of the date it was approved. cooked until pleasantly brownish. It’s
If we’d followed the same approach about saluting the American flag and
for the Declaration of Independence, placing small flags on the graves of our
Americans would fire up their grills fallen soldiers. Perhaps more than any
on August 2nd of each year… and John other holiday, this is the day we celebrate
Adams would still be wrong. ourselves and who we are as a nation of
individuals with freedom and choice.
The American Revolution
would not end until 1783. No one Then in the early evening when the
in Congress had much time to sun is setting and the day is almost over,
think about commemorating the it’s all about finding the perfect spot to
adoption of the Declaration of place your blanket that is close enough
Independence until July 3, 1777. to marvel at the spectacular view of the
So the first organized elaborate hometown fireworks display, yet far
celebration of independence was enough away from the little children who
thrown together the following may drown out the booming fireworks
day in Philadelphia. Ships in the most of us have learned to love.■
South China Business Journal 41