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virtue and one's peace of mind, such as a
lust for power or a desire for fame. This is a
philosophical doctrine that teaches the pursuit
of happiness and proposes Autarchy.
Autarchism is a political philosophy that
promotes the principles of individualism, the
moral ideology of individual liberty, and self-
reliance. It rejects compulsory government
and supports the elimination of government
in favor of ruling oneself, to the exclusion of
rule by others. A number of other possible
sources or inspirations for Jefferson's use of the
phrase have been also been identified, although
scholars debate the extent to which any one of
them actually influenced him.
Most academics believe John Locke at 2017 National Independence Day Parade (Photo/National
least in part inspired Jefferson’s political Independence Day Parade)
philosophy. Locke wrote: “The state of
nature has a law of nature to govern it, happiness." Although the current usage of
which obliges every one: and reason, which the term “happiness” focuses on pleasant and
positive emotions, the common meaning in
is that law, teaches all mankind, who will this time was more about prosperity, thriving,
but consult it, that being all equal and and wellbeing.
independent, no one ought to harm
John Adams would later describe the
another in his life, health, liberty, or Declaration as "dress and ornament rather
possessions… (and) when his own than Body, Soul, or Substance." The exception
preservation comes not in competition, was the last paragraph that said, “… That
ought he, as much as he can, to preserve these united Colonies are, and of Right
ought to be Free and Independent States,
the rest of mankind, and may not, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to
unless it be to do justice on an the British Crown, … And for the support of
offender, take away, or impair this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the
the life, or what tends to the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually
preservation of the life, the pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes,
liberty, health, limb, or goods and our sacred Honor.” Although the “Life,
of another.” In 1689, Locke Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” passage
argued in his Two Treatises may be more famous today, it was this passage,
of Government that political the formal declaration of independence, that
society existed for the sake of started the celebrations.
protecting "property", which he Philadelphia citizens were summoned to the
defined as a person's "life, liberty, State House Yard by the bells of the city on
and estate". In A Letter Concerning Monday July 8. Colonel John Nixon publicly
Toleration, Locke claimed the read the Declaration of Independence for
magistrate's power was limited to the first time starting at noon. Later in the
preserving a person's "civil interest", day, the proclamation was also read before
which he described as "life, liberty, the militia on the Commons and in the cities
health, and indolency of body; and of Easton, Pennsylvania and Trenton, New
the possession of outward things."
His Essay Concerning Human
Understanding stated, "The
highest perfection of intellectual
nature lies in a careful and
constant pursuit of true and solid
40 AmCham South China
virtue and one's peace of mind, such as a
lust for power or a desire for fame. This is a
philosophical doctrine that teaches the pursuit
of happiness and proposes Autarchy.
Autarchism is a political philosophy that
promotes the principles of individualism, the
moral ideology of individual liberty, and self-
reliance. It rejects compulsory government
and supports the elimination of government
in favor of ruling oneself, to the exclusion of
rule by others. A number of other possible
sources or inspirations for Jefferson's use of the
phrase have been also been identified, although
scholars debate the extent to which any one of
them actually influenced him.
Most academics believe John Locke at 2017 National Independence Day Parade (Photo/National
least in part inspired Jefferson’s political Independence Day Parade)
philosophy. Locke wrote: “The state of
nature has a law of nature to govern it, happiness." Although the current usage of
which obliges every one: and reason, which the term “happiness” focuses on pleasant and
positive emotions, the common meaning in
is that law, teaches all mankind, who will this time was more about prosperity, thriving,
but consult it, that being all equal and and wellbeing.
independent, no one ought to harm
John Adams would later describe the
another in his life, health, liberty, or Declaration as "dress and ornament rather
possessions… (and) when his own than Body, Soul, or Substance." The exception
preservation comes not in competition, was the last paragraph that said, “… That
ought he, as much as he can, to preserve these united Colonies are, and of Right
ought to be Free and Independent States,
the rest of mankind, and may not, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to
unless it be to do justice on an the British Crown, … And for the support of
offender, take away, or impair this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the
the life, or what tends to the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually
preservation of the life, the pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes,
liberty, health, limb, or goods and our sacred Honor.” Although the “Life,
of another.” In 1689, Locke Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” passage
argued in his Two Treatises may be more famous today, it was this passage,
of Government that political the formal declaration of independence, that
society existed for the sake of started the celebrations.
protecting "property", which he Philadelphia citizens were summoned to the
defined as a person's "life, liberty, State House Yard by the bells of the city on
and estate". In A Letter Concerning Monday July 8. Colonel John Nixon publicly
Toleration, Locke claimed the read the Declaration of Independence for
magistrate's power was limited to the first time starting at noon. Later in the
preserving a person's "civil interest", day, the proclamation was also read before
which he described as "life, liberty, the militia on the Commons and in the cities
health, and indolency of body; and of Easton, Pennsylvania and Trenton, New
the possession of outward things."
His Essay Concerning Human
Understanding stated, "The
highest perfection of intellectual
nature lies in a careful and
constant pursuit of true and solid
40 AmCham South China