Page 23 - The South China Business Journal
P. 23
mber Releases New Paper
on Need for Business and Law
Enforcement Collaboration to
Combat Cybercrime

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce released a new white paper, entitled
Partnering with Law Enforcement to Combat Cybercrime that highlights
the different ways businesses partner with law enforcement entities, clarifies
individual roles within the law enforcement community, and details how law
enforcement prevents and responds to cyberattacks on businesses.

“Cybersecurity is an ever-growing threat in today’s world and one that many Combat CybercrimePartnering With Law Enforcement to
business leaders say is a top concern for them,” said Matthew Eggers, vice
president for cybersecurity policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “This
new paper urges businesses to prepare and explore how to best build and
grow public-private partnerships between private sector and law enforcement
entities, which are key to combatting cybercrime.”

The paper distinguishes five best practices for businesses when partnering
with law enforcement officials before, during, and after suspected criminal activity:

• Cultivate trusted and bidirectional relationships with state and federal law enforcement as
well as U.S. attorney points of contact;
• Join a cyber information-sharing organization;
• Develop, exercise, and update a cyber incident response plan;
• Ensure that legal counsel is familiar with the organization’s cyber risk management and
incident response plans and its responsibilities when interacting with government agencies;
• Contact law enforcement at any point during incident response for suspected criminal

“The aim of this paper and our national cyber campaign is to educate local businesses of all
sizes on how to protect themselves from malicious cyber activity and the need to establish a
relationship with law enforcement well before an attack even occurs,” said Eggers.

Cyber threats are a constant concern for businesses of all sizes, and risk management must
be a part of everyday life. The public and private sectors need to work together to confront
criminals and lone actors that are targeting computer networks and infrastructure, stealing
proprietary information from our businesses, extorting victims for financial gain, and violating
the privacy of internet users. There is no silver bullet, but by working together, governments,
businesses, and citizens can improve security and resilience.■

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