Page 22 - The South China Business Journal
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C. Today

Chamber Recognizes 297
Members of Congress for
Pro-Business Votes

Spirit of Enterprise Award
Recognizes Records of Support for
Business Community

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce honored 249 The Chamber’s prestigious Spirit of Enterprise
members of the U.S. House of Representatives Award is given annually to members of Congress
and 48 members of the U.S. Senate with its annual based on their votes on critical business legislation
Spirit of Enterprise Award, given in recognition of as outlined in the Chamber’s How They Voted
their support for pro-growth policies in the first scorecard
session of the 115th Congress.
Members who supported the Chamber’s position
“It’s a good time to be doing business on at least 70 percent of those votes qualify to
in America, thanks to a slate of receive the award. This is the 30th year that
legislative accomplishments that laid the U.S. Chamber has formally honored the
the groundwork for more job creation accomplishments of this select group of members
and economic growth,” said Thomas of Congress.
J. Donohue, president and CEO of
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. During the first session of the 115th Congress, the
“The efforts of these elected leaders Chamber scored members on seven Senate votes
to advance commonsense, growth- including those on tax reform legislation and the
oriented legislation will help Main confirmation of Supreme Court Associate Justice
Street American businesses thrive. We Neil Gorsuch; and 14 House votes including votes
commend these members of Congress on tax reform legislation, access to Medicare, and
for their commitment to promoting lawsuit abuse. Various votes in support of small
and protecting American free businesses were also scored.■
enterprise and economic prosperity.”
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business
federation representing the interests of more than 3 million
businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and
local chambers and industry associations.

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