Page 19 - The South China Business Journal
P. 19
China’s economy continues to grow please These days many people are talking
share your thought on the future of RMB about “Connected Banking” as an
and its internationalization? How do you ecosystem of banking products that
expect your Global Banking and Markets to help banks offer their customers the
be a part of its advancement in become an best banking experiences. We know
internationally traded currency? that HSBC Global Banking and Markets
excels in this area. Can you elaborate
G: HSBC’s long-established footprint into China and on how you use Connected Banking to
unique angle in connecting investments between serve qualified Chinese customers in the
China and the Americas enable us to provide our clients Americas markets?
with the best banking services regardless of channel. Our
product mix is extremely well balanced and gives us the M: China's economy is more open and globally
opportunity to deliver to our client base the maximum connected than ever before, with strong
they need. Our international network allows our clients emphasis on trade and investment activity, and
to mix opportunities with their own interests and this is emerging new channels to help investors access its
where HSBC is at its best. domestic capital markets.

Additionally, HSBC Qianhai Securities plays a critical Although RMB usage is relatively low compared
role and will allow us to provide local and global with other currencies like GBP and EUR, nationwide
clients in China with what have already been offered initiatives such as Belt and Road Initiative act as a
in markets such as Hong Kong or the UK – a universal tailwind for the process of RMB internationalization.
banking platform that seamlessly connects to HSBC’s Furthermore, MSCI’s China A-share inclusion and
global network. RMB’s inclusion in the International Monetary Fund’s
Special Drawing Right basket are major milestones that
“As the line from the famous song will continue to promote internationalization of RMB.

about New York goes: if you can HSBC is the leading international bank in China
make it here, you can make it and has 24 China desks around the world. We have
anywhere. And HSBC is ready to established RMB trade settlement capabilities across
help Chinese clients to maximize more than 50 markets globally and dedicated RMB
their opportunities in this market. experts in key offshore centers. With our global
network and in-depth local knowledge, HSBC is the
” unique, simple, and convenient doorway into China's
capital markets for worldwide investors.

BRI-related countries and territories and has a solutions are consistently provided throughout
dedicated local presence in the countries with the the ecosystem of suppliers, equipment suppliers,
highest BRI project values in Asia. contractors and subcontractors associated with
BRI projects.
HSBC has worked on some landmark overseas
acquisitions by Chinese companies in 2016 and Speaking to the bank’s credentials in this space,
2017, demonstrating the strength of our advisory HSBC was recognized as the Best International
capabilities and ability to connect Chinese clients Bank for BRI by Asiamoney in its inaugural New
with overseas opportunities across various sectors. Silk Road Finance Awards in 2017 and Best Belt and
We combine sector, client and product expertise Road Bank by FinanceAsia, also in 2017.
to ensure that the provision of trade finance, risk
management, and liquidity and cash management

South China Business Journal 17
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