Page 18 - The South China Business Journal
P. 18
LOGUE Chinese overseas M&A investments amounted to $140
billion in 2017. How do you see the Chinese overseas
Do your services include M&A investments for 2018 and beyond? Do you have any
helping Chinese companies suggestions for Chinese companies?
find potential strategic
companies for acquisition as G: Although there have been shifted toward a broader
well as helping finance the recent headwinds for range of sectors. We have
entire package? Chinese outbound investment, seen deals across industries,
with state-owned and private including agriculture,
M: We have experienced companies facing more scrutiny, chemicals, automotive, real
China and Asia-focused we believe Chinese firms will estate, consumer products,
bankers at HSBC across the continue to materially invest entertainment, and electronics.
Americas who are committed to over the next decade. This is
providing our Chinese clients underpinned by the fact that From a Chinese perspective,
with the best potential acquisition overseas M&A investments benefit having a qualified local partner
opportunities. Additionally, we have not only the companies themselves and investing at the right time are
24 dedicated China Desk managers but also the regional economies. critical. In particular, the United
around the world, who connect our States is a market opportunity
clients with foreign companies and Traditionally, Chinese firms that remains one of the biggest,
help them in communication. focused their investments most developed and open in the
on well-known brands, high- world. As the line from the famous
In terms of financing, our tech companies, as well as song about New York goes: if you
Leveraged and Acquisition Financing natural resources and energy can make it here, you can make it
team works with HSBC's corporate sectors. Today, the nature anywhere. And HSBC is ready to
and financial sponsor clients to and composition of Chinese help Chinese clients to maximize
provide strategic debt solutions. outbound investment has their opportunities in this market.
The business is responsible for the
arrangement, underwriting and
syndication of event-driven and flow
financing solutions.
Aside from our product offering,
we hold China-related events
each year for our Chinese clients
and non-Chinese clients who are
interested in investing in China.
These events serve as a great
platform for our clients to better
understand China’s market and to
connect with industry leaders.
The first official Belt and Road bond in China's domestic M: Belt and Road
market was recently introduced in the Shanghai Market Initiative (BRI) is
creating a new financing instrument for the Belt and an infrastructure-driven plan
Road infrastructure initiative. How do you see your involving building of new roads,
role in this ambitious project which is expected to sea ports and other infrastructure
dwarf all previous such undertakings? to boost the flow of trade, capital,
goods, services and people.
16 AmCham South China HSBC’s international network and
universal banking model make
us well positioned to capture
opportunities from BRI. HSBC
is present in around half the
billion in 2017. How do you see the Chinese overseas
Do your services include M&A investments for 2018 and beyond? Do you have any
helping Chinese companies suggestions for Chinese companies?
find potential strategic
companies for acquisition as G: Although there have been shifted toward a broader
well as helping finance the recent headwinds for range of sectors. We have
entire package? Chinese outbound investment, seen deals across industries,
with state-owned and private including agriculture,
M: We have experienced companies facing more scrutiny, chemicals, automotive, real
China and Asia-focused we believe Chinese firms will estate, consumer products,
bankers at HSBC across the continue to materially invest entertainment, and electronics.
Americas who are committed to over the next decade. This is
providing our Chinese clients underpinned by the fact that From a Chinese perspective,
with the best potential acquisition overseas M&A investments benefit having a qualified local partner
opportunities. Additionally, we have not only the companies themselves and investing at the right time are
24 dedicated China Desk managers but also the regional economies. critical. In particular, the United
around the world, who connect our States is a market opportunity
clients with foreign companies and Traditionally, Chinese firms that remains one of the biggest,
help them in communication. focused their investments most developed and open in the
on well-known brands, high- world. As the line from the famous
In terms of financing, our tech companies, as well as song about New York goes: if you
Leveraged and Acquisition Financing natural resources and energy can make it here, you can make it
team works with HSBC's corporate sectors. Today, the nature anywhere. And HSBC is ready to
and financial sponsor clients to and composition of Chinese help Chinese clients to maximize
provide strategic debt solutions. outbound investment has their opportunities in this market.
The business is responsible for the
arrangement, underwriting and
syndication of event-driven and flow
financing solutions.
Aside from our product offering,
we hold China-related events
each year for our Chinese clients
and non-Chinese clients who are
interested in investing in China.
These events serve as a great
platform for our clients to better
understand China’s market and to
connect with industry leaders.
The first official Belt and Road bond in China's domestic M: Belt and Road
market was recently introduced in the Shanghai Market Initiative (BRI) is
creating a new financing instrument for the Belt and an infrastructure-driven plan
Road infrastructure initiative. How do you see your involving building of new roads,
role in this ambitious project which is expected to sea ports and other infrastructure
dwarf all previous such undertakings? to boost the flow of trade, capital,
goods, services and people.
16 AmCham South China HSBC’s international network and
universal banking model make
us well positioned to capture
opportunities from BRI. HSBC
is present in around half the