Page 6 - The South China Business Journal
P. 6
TArSaEdAeNA-gHreoenmgeKnot nSgiFgreened
On November 12, 2017, the Association of Southeast Strong trade links between Hong Kong & ASEAN
Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region (SAR) of China signed a free Hong Kong holds a distinct advantage across the
trade and investment pact to strengthen economic Asia-pacific region in terms of its unique location and
cooperation between the two regions and stimulate strong links to the international markets as well as
economic development. The two agreements, the Mainland China. While Hong Kong is part of China, it
ASEAN-Hong Kong, China Free Trade Agreement conducts its economic and trade relations separately
(AHKFTA) and the ASEAN-Hong Kong Investment from the mainland and serves as a bridge connecting
Agreement (AHKIA), were signed at the 31st ASEAN the Chinese mainland and Southeast Asia.
Summit in Manila and will come into force on January
1, 2018. With the increasingly close economic and trade ties
between China and Southeast Asia, Hong Kong plays
The agreements cover all aspects of trade in goods, an important role as a trade link between the two. For
such as tariffs; rules of origin; non-tariff measures; instance, through its Closer Economic Partnership
customs procedures and trade facilitation; trade Arrangement (CEPA) with Mainland China, Hong
remedies; technical barriers to trade; and sanitary and Kong provides preferential market access to Hong
phytosanitary measures. They also include elements Kong service suppliers as well as tariff-free treatment
related to trade in services; investment; economic for products of Hong Kong origin in China. This has
and technical co-operation; dispute settlement therefore created a strong nexus connecting foreign
mechanism; and other areas of interests to be mutually businesses (mostly businesses from ASEAN) to China
agreed upon by the two parties. through Hong Kong.
Since 2012, the re-exports of goods of ASEAN origin
through Hong Kong to China have risen at the rate of
4 AmCham South China
TArSaEdAeNA-gHreoenmgeKnot nSgiFgreened
On November 12, 2017, the Association of Southeast Strong trade links between Hong Kong & ASEAN
Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region (SAR) of China signed a free Hong Kong holds a distinct advantage across the
trade and investment pact to strengthen economic Asia-pacific region in terms of its unique location and
cooperation between the two regions and stimulate strong links to the international markets as well as
economic development. The two agreements, the Mainland China. While Hong Kong is part of China, it
ASEAN-Hong Kong, China Free Trade Agreement conducts its economic and trade relations separately
(AHKFTA) and the ASEAN-Hong Kong Investment from the mainland and serves as a bridge connecting
Agreement (AHKIA), were signed at the 31st ASEAN the Chinese mainland and Southeast Asia.
Summit in Manila and will come into force on January
1, 2018. With the increasingly close economic and trade ties
between China and Southeast Asia, Hong Kong plays
The agreements cover all aspects of trade in goods, an important role as a trade link between the two. For
such as tariffs; rules of origin; non-tariff measures; instance, through its Closer Economic Partnership
customs procedures and trade facilitation; trade Arrangement (CEPA) with Mainland China, Hong
remedies; technical barriers to trade; and sanitary and Kong provides preferential market access to Hong
phytosanitary measures. They also include elements Kong service suppliers as well as tariff-free treatment
related to trade in services; investment; economic for products of Hong Kong origin in China. This has
and technical co-operation; dispute settlement therefore created a strong nexus connecting foreign
mechanism; and other areas of interests to be mutually businesses (mostly businesses from ASEAN) to China
agreed upon by the two parties. through Hong Kong.
Since 2012, the re-exports of goods of ASEAN origin
through Hong Kong to China have risen at the rate of
4 AmCham South China