Page 36 - The South China Business Journal
P. 36
ber Focus


Global warming and urbanization How is it done? To reduce energy consumption, a control system is
has turned up the heat in cities. employed which implements customizing operation
As a consequence of climbing outdoor strategies within the various components of the
temperatures, the rise in cooling loads HVAC system.
indoors is causing an expansion in energy
use — and directly resulting in a greater The technology is flexible. It can be deployed
environmental burden. across multiple models and works independent
of the age of existing equipment. There is no
In the hope of addressing environmental operational risk as the architecture underpinning
concerns, and mitigating the combined the system allows user to bypass the installed tech
impact of growing costs and climbing energy and revert to the original operating system at any
consumption, asset owners typically choose time of their choosing.
to replace their cooling systems entirely
with more energy efficient alternatives. In efforts to improve function, BBP has developed
wireless modules which can connect to energy
However, this strategy has several audit instrumentation, drastically reducing the
downsides: it requires high initial investment, time required to set up data logging tools. The
extended payback time, major changes to wireless module timestamps the information and
the chiller plant room to accommodate sends it through a 4G gateway to a cloud-based
the new equipment, disruptions to existing system, thereby allowing remote access to the live
operations, as well as creating potentially data stream and can quickly detect any changes
harmful waste by disposing old equipment. or errors that might jeopardize the integrity of the
audit process.
Thankfully, a complete replacement of chiller
equipment is not the only solution available. A cloud-based backbone supports asset
management work, which is in charge of ensuring
Headquartered in Singapore, Barghest sustained energy savings. Besides having an
Building Performance Pte Ltd (BBP) advanced alarm system, the real-time data from
focuses on optimizing existing Heating, each site also enables immediate root cause
Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) analysis, in the event of performance deterioration.
and refrigeration systems in commercial and
industrial structures. In addition, the Enterprise Asset Management
(EAM) system is used to address some of the
BBP uses a proprietary technology to common maintenance challenges. In order to
examine the existing cooling structure, ensure a high level of equipment performance and
streamline operations, and enhance overall sensor accuracy, each and every piece of equipment
performance of the chiller plants — whilst or sensor is identified through a barcode, access to
satisfying inflated energy demands. maintenance checklists, maintenance history and
all relevant documentation at all times.
BBP also offers a unique techno-commercial
solution. And as a testament to quality, all
payments come from a portion of the energy
cost savings achieved.

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