Page 25 - The South China Business Journal
P. 25
AUG Congressional
District Data
Shows Exports to China
The US-China Business Council’s felt widely throughout the country. • Out of 435 congressional
2017 reports on state and US exports to China directly and districts, 432 districts had triple-
digit growth in service exports to
congressional district exports are indirectly supported 2.6 million China since 2006.
out and their findings are clear - jobs and $165 billion in GDP in 2015. • From 2006 to 2015, US services
exports to China increased more
though China’s economic growth than 400 percent. Services exports
to the rest of the world increased
rate is slowing, it remains an • In 2016, US goods exports to 76 percent.
important market for US exports China totaled $113 billion, holding Global trade is slowing, but
exports of US goods and services to
and continues to provide growing steady with the previous year and China continue to outpace exports
to other major markets.
opportunities for American still the third-largest US goods
• On average, US goods exports to
businesses, large and small. At the export market behind Canada and China grew by 8 percent annually
c growth same time, US exports to China over the past 10 years, despite the
Mexico. modest decline over the past two
but it remainsuanndiemrppeorrtfaonrmt mwarhkaett tfhoreyUScoeuxlpdorbtes., In 2016, years versus 2014.
nlidonC,ahnoalddainagnsdtgmeMiavadeeryxkniewcttohi.taehcbctheaesrsrpirteeorvstiohthuesawtyoefrarurldsat’nsrdastesectioflulntlhdl e
• In 2015, the most recent complete • US services exports to China grew
year of available data, US services more rapidly than all other major
trading partners, averaging nearly 19
g significant. Inla2r0g1e5s, ttheecmonoostmreyc.ent complete year of exports to China totaled $47 billion, percent annually over the last decade.
na totaled $47 billion, making China the United States’ making China the United States’
• Of the United States’ top 10
2006 to 2015, USEsxeprvoirctessceoxpnotirntsuteo tCohpinlayinacnreased morethird-largest services export market. goods export markets, only Japan
had positive export growth in 2016,
est of essential role in the US economy reflecting an overall slowdown in
global trade.
and job growth and the gains are These figures come after a decade
While this data shows one side
S US Goods Exports to China, of consistent growth. of the relationship – US exports
outpace – the United States’ large trade
ge, in billions 102.2 108.2 119.0 120.4 113.4 113.2 • Last year, 29 states deficit with China is also part of
ent exported more than
e 89.7 $1 billion in goods to
rsus China and 12 states
xport 68.4 68.4 exported more than
rowth 61.8 $1 billion in services
global 52.8 exports. In 2006, only
17 states exported
apidly more than $1 billion
raging of goods to China
ecade. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 and only one state
od, exported more than
he 6.8 US GOODS EXPORTS TO $1 billion in services
a in CHINA HAVE GROWN to China – California.
pan Source: Estimated by The Trade Partnership
g South China Business Journal 23
a slowdown in GDP and trade growth. Even so, US exports
District Data
Shows Exports to China
The US-China Business Council’s felt widely throughout the country. • Out of 435 congressional
2017 reports on state and US exports to China directly and districts, 432 districts had triple-
digit growth in service exports to
congressional district exports are indirectly supported 2.6 million China since 2006.
out and their findings are clear - jobs and $165 billion in GDP in 2015. • From 2006 to 2015, US services
exports to China increased more
though China’s economic growth than 400 percent. Services exports
to the rest of the world increased
rate is slowing, it remains an • In 2016, US goods exports to 76 percent.
important market for US exports China totaled $113 billion, holding Global trade is slowing, but
exports of US goods and services to
and continues to provide growing steady with the previous year and China continue to outpace exports
to other major markets.
opportunities for American still the third-largest US goods
• On average, US goods exports to
businesses, large and small. At the export market behind Canada and China grew by 8 percent annually
c growth same time, US exports to China over the past 10 years, despite the
Mexico. modest decline over the past two
but it remainsuanndiemrppeorrtfaonrmt mwarhkaett tfhoreyUScoeuxlpdorbtes., In 2016, years versus 2014.
nlidonC,ahnoalddainagnsdtgmeMiavadeeryxkniewcttohi.taehcbctheaesrsrpirteeorvstiohthuesawtyoefrarurldsat’nsrdastesectioflulntlhdl e
• In 2015, the most recent complete • US services exports to China grew
year of available data, US services more rapidly than all other major
trading partners, averaging nearly 19
g significant. Inla2r0g1e5s, ttheecmonoostmreyc.ent complete year of exports to China totaled $47 billion, percent annually over the last decade.
na totaled $47 billion, making China the United States’ making China the United States’
• Of the United States’ top 10
2006 to 2015, USEsxeprvoirctessceoxpnotirntsuteo tCohpinlayinacnreased morethird-largest services export market. goods export markets, only Japan
had positive export growth in 2016,
est of essential role in the US economy reflecting an overall slowdown in
global trade.
and job growth and the gains are These figures come after a decade
While this data shows one side
S US Goods Exports to China, of consistent growth. of the relationship – US exports
outpace – the United States’ large trade
ge, in billions 102.2 108.2 119.0 120.4 113.4 113.2 • Last year, 29 states deficit with China is also part of
ent exported more than
e 89.7 $1 billion in goods to
rsus China and 12 states
xport 68.4 68.4 exported more than
rowth 61.8 $1 billion in services
global 52.8 exports. In 2006, only
17 states exported
apidly more than $1 billion
raging of goods to China
ecade. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 and only one state
od, exported more than
he 6.8 US GOODS EXPORTS TO $1 billion in services
a in CHINA HAVE GROWN to China – California.
pan Source: Estimated by The Trade Partnership
g South China Business Journal 23
a slowdown in GDP and trade growth. Even so, US exports