Page 22 - The South China Business Journal
P. 22
C. Today
POTUS's Visit to China
On November 10, 2017 the White House the longstanding American commitment to free and
released the following list of areas agreed to open navigation for all nations.
between President Trump and President Xi Jinping:
• President Trump and President Xi committed
STRENGTHEN INTERNATIONAL RESOLVE TO to create an environment enabling the two peoples
DENUCLEARIZE NORTH KOREA: President to promote mutual understanding and had a frank
Donald J. Trump strengthened international exchange of views on human rights issues.
resolve to address the security challenges presented
Trump promoted American prosperity and trade,
• President Trump and President Xi reaffirmed including new investments that will employ
their commitment to achieving the goal of full, thousands of American workers.
verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of the
Korean Peninsula and stated they will not accept • The President underscored the importance of
the DPRK as a nuclear weapons state. rebalancing the bilateral economic relationship
and pressed China to reduce the trade deficit
• Both sides together affirmed a commitment to by eliminating barriers to trade, guaranteeing
fully implement the DPRK U.N. Security Council fair and reciprocal treatment to United States
resolutions to pressure DPRK to eliminate its companies and exports, and implementing
nuclear and ballistic missile programs. market-oriented reforms.
PROMOTE A FREE AND OPEN INDO-PACIFIC • Both presidents committed to take new actions
REGION: President Trump advanced high- to save American lives by curbing the flow of
standard rules so the Indo-Pacific region can synthetic opioids into the United States. These
continue to develop and prosper. actions include agreement to control the export of
new fentanyl precursors, share intelligence on drug
• The United States and China affirmed trafficking, and exchange tracking information
their commitment to strengthen bilateral for packages to identify individuals and criminal
cooperation on nuclear security, countering networks responsible for trafficking.
nuclear smuggling, and continuing support of
global nuclear security. They reaffirmed their • The two presidents decided to establish a
commitment to enhance regional capacity to process to expedite removal of China’s deportable
prevent terrorists and criminals from acquiring illegal nationals residing in the United States.
nuclear and radioactive materials.
• The presidents pledged to work together to
• The two sides agreed to joint projects on HIV/ prevent malicious exploitation of computer
AIDS and infectious diseases. They committed to networks by other countries.
rapidly and continuously share influenza viruses
with human pandemic potential. • Trade and investment deals worth more than
$250 billion were announced. These will create jobs
• The two sides had a candid and constructive for American workers, farmers, and ranchers by
exchange of views on regional security and maritime increasing U.S. exports to China and stimulating
issues and reaffirmed the importance of reducing the investment in American communities.
risk between our two militaries while maintaining
20 AmCham South China
POTUS's Visit to China
On November 10, 2017 the White House the longstanding American commitment to free and
released the following list of areas agreed to open navigation for all nations.
between President Trump and President Xi Jinping:
• President Trump and President Xi committed
STRENGTHEN INTERNATIONAL RESOLVE TO to create an environment enabling the two peoples
DENUCLEARIZE NORTH KOREA: President to promote mutual understanding and had a frank
Donald J. Trump strengthened international exchange of views on human rights issues.
resolve to address the security challenges presented
Trump promoted American prosperity and trade,
• President Trump and President Xi reaffirmed including new investments that will employ
their commitment to achieving the goal of full, thousands of American workers.
verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of the
Korean Peninsula and stated they will not accept • The President underscored the importance of
the DPRK as a nuclear weapons state. rebalancing the bilateral economic relationship
and pressed China to reduce the trade deficit
• Both sides together affirmed a commitment to by eliminating barriers to trade, guaranteeing
fully implement the DPRK U.N. Security Council fair and reciprocal treatment to United States
resolutions to pressure DPRK to eliminate its companies and exports, and implementing
nuclear and ballistic missile programs. market-oriented reforms.
PROMOTE A FREE AND OPEN INDO-PACIFIC • Both presidents committed to take new actions
REGION: President Trump advanced high- to save American lives by curbing the flow of
standard rules so the Indo-Pacific region can synthetic opioids into the United States. These
continue to develop and prosper. actions include agreement to control the export of
new fentanyl precursors, share intelligence on drug
• The United States and China affirmed trafficking, and exchange tracking information
their commitment to strengthen bilateral for packages to identify individuals and criminal
cooperation on nuclear security, countering networks responsible for trafficking.
nuclear smuggling, and continuing support of
global nuclear security. They reaffirmed their • The two presidents decided to establish a
commitment to enhance regional capacity to process to expedite removal of China’s deportable
prevent terrorists and criminals from acquiring illegal nationals residing in the United States.
nuclear and radioactive materials.
• The presidents pledged to work together to
• The two sides agreed to joint projects on HIV/ prevent malicious exploitation of computer
AIDS and infectious diseases. They committed to networks by other countries.
rapidly and continuously share influenza viruses
with human pandemic potential. • Trade and investment deals worth more than
$250 billion were announced. These will create jobs
• The two sides had a candid and constructive for American workers, farmers, and ranchers by
exchange of views on regional security and maritime increasing U.S. exports to China and stimulating
issues and reaffirmed the importance of reducing the investment in American communities.
risk between our two militaries while maintaining
20 AmCham South China