Page 24 - The South China Business Journal
P. 24

White House
in Pink

Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen On the evening of Oct 1, in honor of National Breast
Cancer Awareness Month, the People’s House was
IN HONOR lit pink.
BREAST “During October, we raise awareness and encourage
CANCER people to take steps to reduce their risk of breast cancer,”
AWARENESS said First Lady Melania Trump. “I encourage all women
M NTH to talk to their healthcare providers about mammograms
and other methods of early detection and what can be
22 AMCHAM SOUTH CHINA done to reduce that risk.”

As President Donald J. Trump stated in a proclamation
on September 29, “our nation joins in solidarity with
those who are currently battling breast cancer and we
remember those we have lost to the disease. Too many
Americans endure the pain and heartbreak of losing a
family member or friend to breast cancer. Memories of
our loved ones, and their courage in the face of suffering,
drive us to find a cure.”

More than 250,000 American women and 2,000 men will
likely be diagnosed with some form of breast cancer in
2017. Because of early detection and improved treatment
options, deaths from breast cancer have decreased
significantly in the last decade, but there is still work to
be done. To encourage women to take steps in detecting
breast cancer early and to express solidarity with those
who have been affected by the disease, the White House
was lit pink this evening.■
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