Page 18 - The South China Business Journal
P. 18
South China Business Journal
HIGHLIGHT Chamber Welcomes
Congressional Resolution
in Support of APEC
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce commended Congres- The U.S. Chamber participated in the APEC Trade Ministers’
sional leaders for the introduction of S. Con. Res. 16 and meeting in Hanoi. The day before the meeting, the U.S. Cham-
H. Con. Res. 54, calling for U.S. support of the Asia-Pacific Eco- ber held a conference on the future of the U.S.-Vietnam bilat-
nomic Cooperation (APEC). eral commercial relationship, where Vietnam President Tran Dai
Quang delivered the keynote address. Later this month, Viet-
“We appreciate Congress’ recognition of the importance of nam Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc will meet with President
APEC. Asia is the fastest-growing region in the global economy, Trump in Washington.
and APEC is an important forum for both public and private
sectors to engage with regional economies. It is critical for the “There is a real sense of momentum,” said Overby. “The high-
future growth, competitiveness and success of American com- level engagement between the U.S. and Vietnam, as well as Viet-
panies, workers, and the overall economy,” said Tami Overby, nam’s Chairmanship of APEC this year, provide real opportuni-
senior vice president for Asia at the U.S. Chamber. “We also ties to promote our commercial interests and support American
commend United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthiz- jobs and economic growth.”
er for attending the APEC Trade Ministers meeting in Hanoi so
quickly after taking office. His participating is a strong indica- *Articles of Washington in Action and Chamber in Action were first published by the
tion of the administration’s commitment to Asia and APEC.” U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
HIGHLIGHT Chamber Welcomes
Congressional Resolution
in Support of APEC
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce commended Congres- The U.S. Chamber participated in the APEC Trade Ministers’
sional leaders for the introduction of S. Con. Res. 16 and meeting in Hanoi. The day before the meeting, the U.S. Cham-
H. Con. Res. 54, calling for U.S. support of the Asia-Pacific Eco- ber held a conference on the future of the U.S.-Vietnam bilat-
nomic Cooperation (APEC). eral commercial relationship, where Vietnam President Tran Dai
Quang delivered the keynote address. Later this month, Viet-
“We appreciate Congress’ recognition of the importance of nam Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc will meet with President
APEC. Asia is the fastest-growing region in the global economy, Trump in Washington.
and APEC is an important forum for both public and private
sectors to engage with regional economies. It is critical for the “There is a real sense of momentum,” said Overby. “The high-
future growth, competitiveness and success of American com- level engagement between the U.S. and Vietnam, as well as Viet-
panies, workers, and the overall economy,” said Tami Overby, nam’s Chairmanship of APEC this year, provide real opportuni-
senior vice president for Asia at the U.S. Chamber. “We also ties to promote our commercial interests and support American
commend United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthiz- jobs and economic growth.”
er for attending the APEC Trade Ministers meeting in Hanoi so
quickly after taking office. His participating is a strong indica- *Articles of Washington in Action and Chamber in Action were first published by the
tion of the administration’s commitment to Asia and APEC.” U.S. Chamber of Commerce.