P. 18
South China Business Journal

HIGHLIGHT Chamber Welcomes USTR
Special 301 Report

On April 28, Executive Vice President of the Chamber's ent Act), the need to modernize copyright laws, and the need for
Global Intellectual Property Center Mark Elliot issued the regulatory data protections.
following statement in response to release of the 2017 Special 301
Report by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR): Given Colombia's history as a stable, pro-growth economy, we
were particularly disappointed by actions the government took in
American companies must be able to operate in a free and fair 2016 that shook global confidence in its IP system. After threat-
trading environment that respects the intellectual property ening use of a compulsory license, Colombia pursued other dam-
rights on which our innovators rely. We must remain committed aging means to undermine the patent of an innovative leukemia
to enforcing current trade agreements in order to protect one of treatment. We continue to urge the Colombian government to
the U.S.'s greatest assets: our intellectual property. reject these shortsighted tactics that will only prove harmful to
Colombians in the long run.
Many of the countries this report identifies as providing inad-
equate IP protections also score poorly on the U.S. Chamber's We also applaud more positive developments in Latin America,
International IP Index. IP enforcement is not a concession that where Brazilian President Michel Temer recently announced
countries make to one another; rather, it is an investment in eco- promising changes to Brazil's IP framework that address long-
nomic development and growth. By denying the economic op- standing concerns highlighted in the U.S. Chamber's Special 301
portunities afforded by a strong IP model, these countries are submission. By significantly restricting the role of the National
ultimately doing their own citizens the greatest disservice. Health Surveillance Agency in the patent review process and the
Brazilian Patent Office from the review of technology transfer
Almost a year after the announcement of its long-anticipated contracts, the government has taken positive action to remove
National IPR Policy, India continues to dismiss the need for bureaucratic barriers to innovators in Brazil.
substantive changes to its IP laws and regulations. This is dis-
appointing at best and distracts from some of the more positive We will continue to work within these markets to promote the
steps found in the IPR policy: efforts to streamline IP admin- value of IP-driven solutions and counter the voices that would
istration, recognition of IP's contributions to domestic in- undermine the global innovation economy.
novation, and talk of investment in state-level IP offices. We
will continue to encourage the Indian government to address The U.S. Chamber's Special 301 submission to USTR provided
the biggest gaps in its IP protections, including: uncertainties an overall assessment of global systemic IP trends, including
and challenges in the patent system (with particular regard for analysis from the Chamber's 2017 International IP Index.
computer-related inventions (CRI) and Section 3(d) of the Pat-

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