P. 17
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Congress Approves Budget
Through September

This week, the House and Senate passed the FY2017 Photo from
Omnibus Appropriations bill to fund the government
through the end of the fiscal year on September 30. The bill, Additionally, the bill
which President Trump is expected to sign into law, also in- includes $53.1 bil-
cludes a waiver needed for USTR-Nominee Robert Lighthizer lion for the State De-
to be confirmed due to his past representation of foreign inter- partment and related
ests. Lighthizer’s nomination could be considered by the Senate agencies, commonly
as early as next week. referred to as the In-
ternational Affairs
The funding bill includes $9.2 billion for the Commerce Depart- Budget. This repre-
ment, a reduction of $9 million below the fiscal year 2016 en- sents a reduction of
acted level and $491 million below the Obama Administration $594 million below fiscal year 2016 enacted levels. The bill con-
request for these programs. The bill also funds the International tains a total of $16.1 billion for the State Department and sup-
Trade Commission at $91.5 million, which is a $3 million in- porting agencies, a $92 million decrease from fiscal year 2016
crease above the enacted level, and increases trade enforcement enacted levels; and $1.6 billion the U.S. Agency for International
funding at the International Trade Administration by $2 million Development (USAID), an increase of $82 million above the fis-
above the Obama Administration request. It also includes full cal year 2016 enacted level. Funding for the Export-Import Bank
funding of the Trade Enforcement Trust Fund. will increase by 4%, or $4 million, the Overseas Private Invest-
ment Corporation will increase by 11%, or $7 million, and the
U.S. Trade and Development Agency will see an increase of 25%,
or $15 million.

Lawmakers Launch Digital
Trade Caucus

On May 1, a bipartisan group of lawmakers launched a Digi- In an interview announcing the caucus, Rep. Paulsen said:
tal Trade Caucus to promote a U.S. trade policy that works “Knowing that digital trade is accounting for a larger and larger
in the digital economy. The caucus is being led by co-chairs Rep. portion of our economy, and trade agreements now have to deal
Suzan DelBene (D-WA) and Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) with with both protectionist measures happening around the world
more than 20 Members of Congress joining so far, including Rep. and restrictions that are being put on data localization, we just
Dave Reichert (R-WA), chairman of the House Ways and Means thought it was imperative and a good time for making sure the
Subcommittee on Trade, and Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ), the sub- United States can continue to have our data flow across the bor-
committee’s ranking member. der freely...just knowing that the United States runs a surplus in
digitally deliverable services just points the way forward.”

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