Page 9 - SCBJ-201512
P. 9
December 2015

more reliable food chains; and an event high-level engagements like the U.S.- our discussions. I am pleased that we
entitled “Celebration of US-China Trade” China Joint Commission on Commerce have achieved meaningful outcomes
organized and hosted by the American and Trade (JCCT) are so important. on this year’s issues like trade secrets,
Chamber of Commerce in South China Working to create the conditions that pharmaceuticals and medical device
and the USCBC. enable more trade and investment market access, competition policy, and
between our countries requires us to the launch of a Steel Dialogue, and I look
“A close and productive U.S.-China address issues that inhibit commerce forward to continued engagement with
commercial relationship, based on between our two countries, but also our Chinese partners.”
responsible partnership, is essential to explore areas of commercial opportunity.
the growth and stability of the global Through our ‘re-imagined JCCT,’ we have “We seek concrete results through the
economy. Together, our countries account designed a dialogue that is reflective of annual JCCT process, and this year’s
for nearly 35 percent of global GDP. Our the scale, dynamism, challenges, and JCCT produced meaningful progress
combined trade in goods and services add opportunities of the modern economic on some key issues facing a range of
up to about one-fifth of all international relationship between our two countries, U.S. stakeholders. We obtained firm
trade,” said U.S. Secretary of Commerce and we have invited our respective commitments from China in the areas
Penny Pritzker. “That is one reason why private sectors to become partners in of competition law, intellectual property

United States Secretary of Commerce Penny
Pritzker speaks at China Province-U.S.
States Economic and Trade Conference and
B2B Dialogue

protection, standards setting, and outcomes will be felt throughout our quickly to review the 11 agricultural
environmental conservation that will country in industries that support well- biotechnology events pending approval,
level the playing field for our companies paying jobs.” and continue our dialogue on access for
in China. Significantly, in the area of U.S. beef. My hope is that over the next
technology policy, we concluded a year of “I believe the leaders of our respective 30 to 60 days, these words are met with
intensive engagement around proposed countries recognize and embrace the role consistent action. We are committed to
measures in the banking sector, by of agricultural technologies in building a making serious and sustained progress on
confirming that banks in China are free more sustainable, food secure world, and these issues and more as our relationship
to resume purchasing information and we understand that our collaboration on continues to grow.”
communication technology (ICT) products these matters helps to ensure the smooth
of their choosing. While more needs to be flow of trade for our countries and all The JCCT holds high-level plenary
done, we achieved significant outcomes others. This JCCT offered an opportunity meetings on an annual basis to review
that will benefit and help level the playing for China and the United States to reaffirm progress made by 16 working groups that
field for American businesses in China the outcomes reached in September at meet throughout the year to focus on
and promote the growth of China’s own the Strategic Agricultural Innovation a wide variety of trade and investment
innovation economy,” said U.S. Trade Dialogue, and I am hopeful that China will issues. These working groups address
Representative Michael Froman. “China continue to move forward with much- topics such as intellectual property rights,
is our largest export market outside needed reforms to develop a regulatory agriculture, pharmaceuticals and medical
North America, and it continues to be system that is science- and rules-based, devices, information technology, tourism,
one of the most important drivers of transparent and predictable,” said U.S. commercial law, environment, trade
economic growth in the world despite Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. remedies, and statistics.
a recent slowing in its rapid expansion. “With that in mind, the Government of
The benefits of these market-opening China indicated today it would move

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