Page 11 - SCBJ-201512
P. 11
December 2015



Chemical Company; the versus American companies; improving
regulatory transparency; further
US Smart Cities Alliance, improving China’s competition policy
regime; and opening China’s financial,
the California Center, legal, and other services sectors to
American service providers.
and Sichuan Provincial
Harley Seyedin, President of the American
People’s Government; and Chamber of Commerce in South China
said, “The fact that the 26th JCCT is
Aquatech and China Coal being held in Guangzhou for the first
time signifies the importance of massive
Group. The agreements contributions that more than 2,300
members of the AmCham South China
cover cooperative work have made to the development of China.
AmCham South China is celebrating its
in clean methanol 20th anniversary this year.

manufacturing, water AmCham South China represents more
than 2,300 members accounting for nearly
U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker (L1) and U.S. purification, and smart 40% of all U.S.-China trade, business,
Consul General in Guangzhou Charles Benett (R1) witness city development. Deputy and investments. In 2014 Members of
the contract signing ceremony Assistant Secretary AmCham South China reinvested more
than 12 billion US dollars to expand their
On the eve of the JCCT meetings, for China within the operations in China and as a result added
U.S. Secretary of Commerce International Trade Administration, 540,000 new skilled employees to their
Patrick Santillo also witnessed the rosters.

Penny Pritzker, U.S. Secretary of signings.

Agriculture Tom Vilsack , U.S. Trade

Representative Michael Froman and a The American Chamber of Commerce

host of other leaders Joined an event in South China (AmCham South China)

entitled “Celebration of U.S.-China Trade” and the US-China Business Council

organized by AmCham South China and (USCBC) highlighted top priorities of their

USCBC. The event hosted a gathering members to include negotiating a high-

of American companies doing business standard US-China bilateral investment

in China. This event in Guangzhou treaty; strengthening intellectual property

was highlighted by contract signings protection; addressing discriminatory

valued at 1.4 billion US dollars by the licensing barriers and technology

Pan Pacific Energy Company and Jovo preferences that favor Chinese companies

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